First time grower..

neat lil trick -> runoff x2 - ingoing = soil ph...more or less :rolleyes2: it'z not exact, but will be close enuff to grow on (see what me did there-? hehe :biggrin: ) when dealin with ph, ur shootin for a range anyway, not an exact number, and tbh, with soil bein a more forgiving medium, then hell, as long as it'z sumwhere in the 6'z, it'z all good, lol :joy: ppp
My issue with that is the RH. A lot of water=higher RH. I'm already struggling to keep in the 55%, even with a dehu (outside the tent). It's raining here (RH at 90% outside) so open windows does not help. I even put a plate with salt inside the tent, but to no avail. How high can the RH be at flowering?
I snipped a little today. 2 leaves per girl and i tucked others. Let's see.
My issue with that is the RH. A lot of water=higher RH. I'm already struggling to keep in the 55%, even with a dehu (outside the tent). It's raining here (RH at 90% outside) so open windows does not help. I even put a plate with salt inside the tent, but to no avail. How high can the RH be at flowering?
I snipped a little today. 2 leaves per girl and i tucked others. Let's see.

well, ideally, rh durin flower would be 35-45%, even 30, but, it'z seldom an ideal world, is it-? lol :coffee: 50-55% is doable, but any higher & u start runnin the risk of the dreaded powdery mildew :nono: the cheap fix is uzually higher tempz = lower rh, but, me sumhow get the feelin u'll tell me the tempz are already 85f or sum such, which would scratch that whole plan, so...:doh: not sure what else to suggest atm, sorry :shrug: ppp
well, ideally, rh durin flower would be 35-45%, even 30, but, it'z seldom an ideal world, is it-? lol :coffee: 50-55% is doable, but any higher & u start runnin the risk of the dreaded powdery mildew :nono: the cheap fix is uzually higher tempz = lower rh, but, me sumhow get the feelin u'll tell me the tempz are already 85f or sum such, which would scratch that whole plan, so...:doh: not sure what else to suggest atm, sorry :shrug: ppp
The temp is around 75º F (23-24 C). Should i try to raise it? I have the RH at 48-55 more or less
The temp is around 75º F (23-24 C). Should i try to raise it? I have the RH at 48-55 more or less

ya, scoochin it up towardz 80f or so if possible should help, at least a lil :thumbsup: ppp
well, ideally, rh durin flower would be 35-45%, even 30, but, it'z seldom an ideal world, is it-? lol :coffee: 50-55% is doable, but any higher & u start runnin the risk of the dreaded powdery mildew :nono: the cheap fix is uzually higher tempz = lower rh, but, me sumhow get the feelin u'll tell me the tempz are already 85f or sum such, which would scratch that whole plan, so...:doh: not sure what else to suggest atm, sorry :shrug: ppp
Right now the tem is at 24,5º C and the RH at 50%. According to this VPD table it should be fine. Anyway i turned the central heating, so the temp should raise 2º, more or less
I just realized i highjacked someone else thread. Sorry mate. I'll take my issues to the proper place.

meh, me don't think geordie will mind theze coupla exchangez too much ;) as long as we don't strike up the next 20 pagez or so at least :coffee: ppp

edit: thx for bein considerate tho, all the same...noted ;) ppp


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