First time grower..

Hi guys. Hope all is well.
I am new to this forum and to growing... I recently planted an auto anethesia but realised a day or two later she was upside down.. I've corrected her and now she is above soil level... here is a picture do you guys think she will be okay?
Yes looks fine!
Not really a clear photo. But can go see the brown tips on the first leaves?
Brown tip
Brown tips in leaves


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Straight forward reply thanks buddy! I'm gonna do that tonight i woke this morning with the first two leaves tips abit dark which i think I due to bee watering or lack of calcium

tip -> be sure & mix up ur calibration solutionz in sealable jarz, like mason jarz or similar...that way, u'll have it for future recalibrationz ;) also, as far as the brown tipz, don't worry too much, cuz the first couple setz of seedling leavez can do all sortza weird thingz as they're finding their legz, so to speak, lol...the main thing is don't overwater :nono: lil seedlingz jus plain don't need a lot durin their first few dayz...i meself keep em under a dome & jus lightly mist the soil mebbe 3 timez a day for 4-5 dayz, as well as keepin the underside of the dome misted while it'z on, to help add humidity, which seedlingz def need :thumbsup: as an example, today makez 5d for me lil BellaBlue, who is a fastberry (aka blueberry)...she no longer needz her dome now, so it'z been taken off & put away, and she got her first wee drink of reg water, mebbe 1/2 oz of rainwater...but, what u wanna be sure & do is to give the water in a ring, away from the plant, so that the lil rootz are then forced to seek out the water on their own, and thus grow...otherwize, they'll jus get waterlogged & that will stunt the plant ;) ppp
Alright guys... hope your day is going sweeet.... there is some beautiful grows happening atm. Which makes me wanna stick in with this new adventure of mine!
Question.... PH up and PH down solutions okay to use to get the right pH for feeding your plant?... I'm sure the latest picture of my problems im having is something to do with the PH as I'm using 70%coco and 30%perlite and I've only been watering with ordinary tap water that's stood for couple of days... I learning that nutrients are a massive role in growing autos.
Also I will be using canna coco part a and canna coco part b... when is it best to start using nutrients? And do I need to usse the other products?