First time grower..

Could be nitrogen deficiency? I have been feeding canna a and b for me eldest lady. And for my lsd 25 she also has had biobizz grow during her flowering? Mebbies it's an imbalance of too much veg nutes over flowering nutes?


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My ladys new sale leaves are growing thin :/ I may have a couple of issue's


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Yeah grow bro... But I just wanna catch the problem befor it gets worse

hey, nothin wrong with that ;) it'z jus that i personally don't worry bout any o' that is all :shrug: but, then again, i do happen to be the laziest grower on site, so...:coffee: ppp
hey, nothin wrong with that ;) it'z jus that i personally don't worry bout any o' that is all :shrug: but, then again, i do happen to be the laziest grower on site, so...:coffee: ppp
You don't worry cause you probably produce beautiful bud without any struggle... This is my first grow and I'm constantly learning. Just don't want to ruing the rest of the plant so if I get this problem sorted hopefully I'll produce some okay Bud
You don't worry cause you probably produce beautiful bud without any struggle

au contraire! :crying: the only reazon i don't worry, or struggle, is simply becuz i let the plant grow itself :shrug: first of all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and nuff said on that ;) secondly, there'z no reazon to hafta struggle with anything -> it'z an autoflower...i.e. it'z automatically gonna do what it'z born to do, regardless...i know that goin in, and seein as how it'z not within me power to stop time itself, i jus roll with it, keep em alive with a little o' this, little o' that along the way, and sure enuff, they do finish, they do give me bud & i do get recreationally/medicinally benefitted...and well, what else is there-? :shrug: trust me, all u gotta do is look thru any of my own journalz to see that i def don't grow what the massez would label as "beautiful" plantz, lol :doh: but guess what, i don't care, cuz i ain't out to win any beauty contestz...i.e. i don't grow the plant for the leavez, i grow it for the bud, lol, which i already know goin in will happen, regardless, so...:shrug: simply put, autoz live hard & die fast...there'z no stoppin that & there'z no way around it...from the minute they're born, the clock is tickin & all u can do is jus ride the wave & grow, learn, grow again! :headbang: ppp