New Grower First time grower here, be gentle :D Night Owl (Royal Stomper+Foxy Purp)

Day 40
Good Morning everyone~ Just took some snaps of the tent in the morning. It's nice to see that the ladies know when the lights are about to come on and start praying. As for the state of the tent, the Royal Stompers have started their explosive stretch. I predict that they might actually be taller than the Foxy Purps by the end of it. Foxy Purps is starting to turn purple? Not sure if you can tell by the pictures. Its hot and humid where I am living, controlling the environment has been the biggest challenge so far. Just turning the AC unit on in the room helps manage the temps to be around 75-78 and RH 60-70%. Would love to get the humidity lower so, I'm preparing to set a better exhaust fan in the next few days. Also, by the time its the next upload, they will be top dressed with Dr.Earth Flower girl 2-9-4.

The family waking up

Foxy Purps

Royal Stompers
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Plants look great, albeit very full! lol I grew 5 autos in a 2x4 recently and by the mid flower it was really hard keeping humidity below 60%, but I do live in a humid climate. Good luck!!
Plants look great, albeit very full! lol I grew 5 autos in a 2x4 recently and by the mid flower it was really hard keeping humidity below 60%, but I do live in a humid climate. Good luck!!
Got any tips for reducing humidity in a quick pinch?
I was too cheap to buy a dehumidifier so what I did was opened all my vents on the tent and had the exhaust on high. I also only bottom watered for the final 3 weeks or so as I found humidity was always highest for the 24 hours after watering. When I bottom watered (just sat the pots in trays of water) the humidity barely rose when I watered. Seemed to help. Good luck :)
Day 45- all 4 plants have been top dress with 2-9-4 . I made the big decision to cut down my random bag seed plant. It was obviously taking up space and I want to give the NightOwl ladies more room to breathe.


Royal Stomper 1 & 2

Foxy Purps 1 & 2

Yeah now its 4 plants in the tent.

Decide to try to make clones for science?
Day 45- all 4 plants have been top dress with 2-9-4 . I made the big decision to cut down my random bag seed plant. It was obviously taking up space and I want to give the NightOwl ladies more room to breathe.

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Royal Stomper 1 & 2
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Foxy Purps 1 & 2
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Yeah now its 4 plants in the tent.
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Decide to try to make clones for science?
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This is a situation where I would absolutely clone an auto. If you had to cut down a plant due to space issues, this is a way to see what would have been as far as genetics are concerned. Of course no one expects any kind of real yield I don’t think but, yes it can be done and in this case is a great idea I think
Day 50 - Stretching seemed to have slowed down. One of the Royal Stomper is showing signs of light stress, going to tone down on the intensity of the lights a tad bit. I gave all the plants a good round of defoliation. That seemed to have tremendously help with bring the RH to a desirable level. It also helped spread the light out. Buds seem to be developing very nicely. Has a good nose and appeal so far.



Foxy Purps 1 & 2

Royal Stomper 1 & 2
Day 56 - Buds are getting fattened up. Stems are now disappearing as the buds grow into them. The color change on the Foxy Purps buds are really pretty so far. Royal Stompers have been hit with gnats pretty bad, but still showing growth ( tough plants) .

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