New Grower First time grower here, be gentle :D Night Owl (Royal Stomper+Foxy Purp)

Haha! Yep, exactly, Derek! I was thinking defoliation too, but I know how controversial a topic that is. I am afraid to suggest it any more!
I am a convert. I used to be a stark opponent of cutting or topping(still am with the topping for the most part, though recently I have seen some encouraging things) or defoliating of any kind. But I have since come around and think that in certain cases these things are beneficial. This is one of them. With such healthy, lush, dense green foliage I believe you can take selected dan leaves off and not see any ill effect with there actually being a pretty great net-positive in the fact that the lower sites are now getting more light
They look great, man. The flowering stretch is probably over or almost over now, as the plants look like they are past second week of flower. So they will be focusing on bud development for at least the next month or so.

It looks a little dense with leaves in there though, with the five plants. How is airflow under canopy? Are lower buds getting light?
I've been hesitant because of all the heated debates i've been reading about it. I'm already starting to clean the under canopy little by little nothing too crazy at once. I'm running a decently powerful fan on the bottom side of the tent (placed outside) like this, I think its doing its job i see the plants are moving from the bottom airflow.
Holy shit!(I nevvvvver curse on here, but in this case I believe it is warranted) dude you are absolutely smashing it! Knocking it out of the park!!!! There are growers who go years and can’t get plants to this stage being this healthy. I think you have a real future at this whole growing of the weed things.

Ok now as for your question, These ladies still have a waaays to go I would say at least another 4-5 weeks.

just a side note: if this were my tent I would defoliate some. You have a very dense canopy with some honker ass fan leaves. I would take a look below at any of the bud sites that are getting shaded and clip the fan leaves that are shading them. This is a good time to do it because identifying individual bud sites is easiest at this stage
Again GREAT job. Keep doin what you are doin and you are goin to LOVE the results
Hell yeah thanks for the awesome compliment. I worked as a florist for a few year under a korean lady and have a korean mother who are all about organic growing, so I'm going the organic route as well. Although growing cannabis is a whole new thing its becoming what i enjoy growing the most. Going to be cleaning some leaves off the top canopy slowly like what you and Iriee Vibez is suggesting.
I am a convert. I used to be a stark opponent of cutting or topping(still am with the topping for the most part, though recently I have seen some encouraging things) or defoliating of any kind. But I have since come around and think that in certain cases these things are beneficial. This is one of them. With such healthy, lush, dense green foliage I believe you can take selected dan leaves off and not see any ill effect with there actually being a pretty great net-positive in the fact that the lower sites are now getting more light

My philosophy exactly!
I have to add my congrats on a really nice grow.

As others have suggested, that canopy is pretty dense, so some careful thinning out to help light penetration and make sure you have good air flow would in my opinion be a good idea. With plants that healthy, I think you have nothing to worry about trimming a few fans. I took a pile off my CQ, both leaves and entire branches to deal with air flow, and I still ended up with a bumper crop from a healthy plant, and not a hint of mold on one bud. Once those buds really fatten up, and oh boy are they headed in that direction, you want to make sure you keep air moving, and keep your humidity down. That fan of yours is definitely your friend.

Good luck with the rest of the grow, although it doesn't look like you are going to need much.

Hell yeah thanks for the awesome compliment. I worked as a florist for a few year under a korean lady and have a korean mother who are all about organic growing, so I'm going the organic route as well. Although growing cannabis is a whole new thing its becoming what i enjoy growing the most. Going to be cleaning some leaves off the top canopy slowly like what you and Iriee Vibez is suggesting.
Ahhh I see you aren’t new to growin just new to cannabis! Gotcha. You really are doin a great job! Keep it up
Day 37- So Ive been clearing the fan leaves off the bottom and a few off the top to expose the newer smaller nodes. Heres a video for a clear grasp. Shall I take some more off over the next few days?

Looks great, Clueless. I see a lot of lower bud sites from the top that I hadn’t before. That means the light also finds them. I think you are good for now, but it is a constant process. If you see a fan covering a site while watering or observing, you clip it, and keep doing what you are doing! Awesome grow! Keep it up!

cheers! :pass:
WOW looking great! I do the same as Iriee, trim a few fans every few days as I see fit. I grew cosmic queen on my first grow and she had no problems with defoliation, even when I got a little carried away lol.
WOW looking great! I do the same as Iriee, trim a few fans every few days as I see fit. I grew cosmic queen on my first grow and she had no problems with defoliation, even when I got a little carried away lol.
I know what you mean. It’s hard to resist the urge to do something, and it’s usually a fan or two that pays! Back in the day, they used to call me Iriee scissorhands in here. I have gotten a lot better, but have a relapse every now and then.