Live Stoners First time grower chop or not to chop


Get muni fuck bitches
Jul 16, 2019
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Hi I am a newbie to all this I am growing Barneys blue cheese in a 11 litre pot in biobizz all mix medium and had few problems so it's only 56 cm but nice buds on it it is at da end of week 8 and I am stil giving it all biobizz nutrients and stickin to biobizz feeding chart it's starting to yellow a small bit and Dere stil whites hairs cuming on it and bud stil swelling also good few Amber hairs on it and I dnt have anyting to look at it so I gng hav to do it by eye cud ye giv me sum advice how long do ye tink or Wat to do cause want put bit more weight on the buds aswel cud do wit all the help I cud get


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View attachment 1083840 Hi I am a newbie to all this I am growing Barneys blue cheese in a 11 litre pot in biobizz all mix medium and had few problems so it's only 56 cm but nice buds on it it is at da end of week 8 and I am stil giving it all biobizz nutrients and stickin to biobizz feeding chart it's starting to yellow a small bit and Dere stil whites hairs cuming on it and bud stil swelling also good few Amber hairs on it and I dnt have anyting to look at it so I gng hav to do it by eye cud ye giv me sum advice how long do ye tink or Wat to do cause want put bit more weight on the buds aswel cud do wit all the help I cud get

well, jus to chime in, hair color duzn't actually have a lot of bearing on anything & can't really be uzed as a reliable just meanz the pistilz are dying off & they all happen at diff ratez ;) if there'z still white onez comin out & the budz are still swelling, u've got a little while longer

the main thing is what do the trichz look like-? are any of em gettin cloudy at all-? do u have a loupe or other macro lenz to look at em close-? the question "to chop or not to chop" simply duzn't have a set answer, lol, and is alwayz up to the individual grower...the basic, and i say basic, rule of thumb is clear-to-cloudy for a more "head" stone & more cloudy-to-amber for the body stone, and/or pain relief...but of course, two diff people can toke a bowl of the same weed & u'll get two diff repliez as to effect, so like me say, it'z just a basic parameter ;) dunno if i helped any, but that'z me own 2 ctz :rolleyes2: ppp
well, jus to chime in, hair color duzn't actually have a lot of bearing on anything & can't really be uzed as a reliable just meanz the pistilz are dying off & they all happen at diff ratez ;) if there'z still white onez comin out & the budz are still swelling, u've got a little while longer

the main thing is what do the trichz look like-? are any of em gettin cloudy at all-? do u have a loupe or other macro lenz to look at em close-? the question "to chop or not to chop" simply duzn't have a set answer, lol, and is alwayz up to the individual grower...the basic, and i say basic, rule of thumb is clear-to-cloudy for a more "head" stone & more cloudy-to-amber for the body stone, and/or pain relief...but of course, two diff people can toke a bowl of the same weed & u'll get two diff repliez as to effect, so like me say, it'z just a basic parameter ;) dunno if i helped any, but that'z me own 2 ctz :rolleyes2: ppp
Tanks for da bit of information 420FOREVER .... I don't hav loupe yet buddy stil waiting for it to come in the post so I hav no way of looking at the trichz for few weeks and I afaird Its gng to be to late den or hav you any other ideas ... I like a head stone meself aswel but I scared if I leave it to long dat I will ruin da bud and potency of it and on the other hand I scared early harvest it wil be to lite of a stone and I will loose weight on final yield too ..... I did a lot of research on autos and most ppl say leave dem longer den Wat it says on the seed packet soo Barneys say 8 to 9 weeks and I read lot ppl tel by da leaves gng yellow either but if dat was the case wit my girl she wud be ready for ages cos she stil healthy lukin
Tanks for da bit of information 420FOREVER .... I don't hav loupe yet buddy stil waiting for it to come in the post so I hav no way of looking at the trichz for few weeks and I afaird Its gng to be to late den or hav you any other ideas ... I like a head stone meself aswel but I scared if I leave it to long dat I will ruin da bud and potency of it and on the other hand I scared early harvest it wil be to lite of a stone and I will loose weight on final yield too ..... I did a lot of research on autos and most ppl say leave dem longer den Wat it says on the seed packet soo Barneys say 8 to 9 weeks and I read lot ppl tel by da leaves gng yellow either but if dat was the case wit my girl she wud be ready for ages cos she stil healthy lukin

hmm...well, even a good ol' plain magnifying glass will work in a pinch...anything to get even a rough idea of the clear-to-cloudy ratio...bottom line, harvesting can often be a total gamble, lol...alwayz thinkin "i shoulda chopped a day earlier", or a day later, or whatever...but, as long as ur in the general ballpark, well, that'z often the best ya can do ;) but more than anything, whenever u do it, the end product will be yourz, that you grew, and that alone is alwayz reward enough for me :thumbsup: ppp
I say let her ripen a bit more..2 weeks or so.
I use a loupe to confirm ripeness but I've always noticed that there's a few other indicators that help I've noticed is small sacs found at the base of the cola will swell up and ooze as buds ripen.
As you continue to grow and find your fav harvest point, you too will begin to correlate various plant reveals as they ripen. It's all part of your effort to grow patience.
I believe you have another week or week
I'd chop fan leaves yellowing now. Harvest in 7-10 days. You have to have a decent magnifier. Nothing tells the tale like the color of the trichomes.
I'd chop fan leaves yellowing now. Harvest in 7-10 days. You have to have a decent magnifier. Nothing tells the tale like the color of the trichomes.
I waitin on one to come in the post I gav her last feed of nutes Friday and she at the of week 9 so from 2moro on I just goin giv her plain water for a week so dat be ten weeks Wat ya tink she stil swelling bit not as much so I tink its time just gng to go for it so plz god I ryt
I believe you have another week or week
I say let her ripen a bit more..2 weeks or so.
I use a loupe to confirm ripeness but I've always noticed that there's a few other indicators that help I've noticed is small sacs found at the base of the cola will swell up and ooze as buds ripen.
As you continue to grow and find your fav harvest point, you too will begin to correlate various plant reveals as they ripen. It's all part of your effort to grow patience.
tanks for reply buddy I after giving her another week wit nutes she got her last feed of nutes Friday and going to flush her for a week wit just plain water now aswel so be the time she ready it be 2 weeks Wat you tink she stil swelling but slow dwn a lot and a lot more yellow leaves nw to but way more thc on it .... Ps I need gone out my tent cos I stuck for space wit my other girls and Dere starting to bud big so dnt want ruin dem either


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I say let her ripen a bit more..2 weeks or so.
I use a loupe to confirm ripeness but I've always noticed that there's a few other indicators that help I've noticed is small sacs found at the base of the cola will swell up and ooze as buds ripen.
As you continue to grow and find your fav harvest point, you too will begin to correlate various plant reveals as they ripen. It's all part of your effort to grow patience.
Tanks very much buddy it's all to me but I love it so I want to get it ryt goes I after waiting this long and dnt want to ruin it