@mephisto Artisanal - Skywalker auto fem (I love me some indica!!)
Location - San Jose, CA (plants get about 8 hours of direct sun each day).
Hi eveyone. I’ve been lurking & learning for a few weeks and was inspired so I recently started my first grow ever!
Please feel free to chime in with comments, tips, etc. especially if anyone is familiar with growing autos outdoors in the bay area.
My game plan is to make this grow as simple as possible via not doing any transplanting and using organic fertilizers and the free power from the sun. After planting the seeds all I really plan on doing is making sure they get enough sun and water (summers here can be pretty dry).
Here is my setup and what I’ve done so far:
-4/22/18 I put 2 seeds in a cup of tap water to soak for 48 hrs (next time I’m going to try Mephisto’s recommended germination method using toilet paper and a DVD case)
-4/24/18 I planted each seed directly in their final 20” containers (regular plastic potting containers). Before planting the soaked seeds I prepared the soil in each container in the following way:
Container 1, poured in a 1 lb bag of super soil concentrate (from Amazon) then added organic Jobe’s potting soil to about 1/3rd of the way up and mixed it with the super soil then filled rest of container with Organic jobes potting soil then watered until run off.
Container 2, poured in foxfarms ocean forest soil then filled rest of container with organic Jobe’s potting soil then watered until runoff.
-Once the containers were prepared I made a small 1/2 inch deep hole and placed the seed in it then lightly covered with soil and added a little water on top of it
-4/27 to 4/28 Both seedlings broke the surface (about 3-4 days)
-4/29 I gave 1 cup of water to each plant for a lil drink
-5/2/18 After sticking my finger into the soil I noticed it was starting to dry up so I watered both containers until runoff making sure to leave a ring of dry soil near the stem of the seedlings to create a drip line which will encourage root expansion as explained here in
@Ash-a-Ton ’s amazing thread for newbies
I’ve been leaving the plants outside from the beginning even during the night so at first I was worried the still somewhat cold nights (lows were about 45-50 F) would hurt them but they’ve been champs so far. Recently the lows have stopped getting below 50 so it should be smooth sailing from here hopefully.
Will try and grab some pics to post and will continue to post updates. Can’t wait to harvest some frosty buds by around mid July!
Also thank you to
@912GreenSkell for your great thread on maximizing outdoor autos: