New Grower first time autoflower growing journals: OG Kush & Blue Amnesia

They both popped out!!!
  • Thank you guys.
    I believe this forum will give me a lot of helps.

    Here is the 2nd day after I planted into soil mix in the solo cup. And they both popped up already :woohoo:

    The Blue Amnesia Auto is about 2cm from the soil, here she is:


    The OG Kush Auto about 1.5cm from the soil, here she is


    Should I remove these humidity domes now and put them under the LED light?
    my LED is QBZ 1000watt pro + uv with the real power from wall meter around 65 watt?


    is 30 inches a good distance for now?

    I checked from the soil is still very moist, I might wait another day or two before I water it again, should I water until run off again on my next watering?

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