New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

This first grow is NOT yet done! I still have ONE plant going. The grow started with 6 plants and will finish when all 6 plants are chopped and dried.

So far, all 5 plants are dried and jarred.

Official weight as accurate as I can get:

P.E 1 - I smoked at least 1/3 of the harvest and still have around 55g. So probably around 80g or so. This plant was harvested early at Day 65.

P.E 2 - Still 145g after a week of curing. Not as fragrant as P.E 1

W.W 1 - 175g after 5 days curing

A.A.H 1 - Couldn't believe my eyes but I got 260g dry weight, 3rd day curing. The buds dry and cure very well. Looking real nice and test buds are feeling real potent.

A.A.H 2 - The only plant I managed to get a wet weight and it was 680g. I only got 140g dry from this plant but the buds are pretty dense and looks different from A.A.H 1

I still have another smaller/stunted test plant to harvest - W.W 2. I should not need to worry about supplies for a while.

Pics below. A total of 10 jars. 6 x 2litre jars and 4 x 1litre jars. I'm finding that I prefer a larger jar when curing. I like to shake them vigorously the first week to separate/air them. I like how the buds ball up when i do that.







W.W 2 is really surprising me with her growth. Will do an update on her soon!

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This first grow is NOT yet done! I still have ONE plant going. The grow started with 6 plants and will finish when all 6 plants are chopped and dried.

So far, all 5 plants are dried and jarred.

Official weight as accurate as I can get:

P.E 1 - I smoked at least 1/3 of the harvest and still have around 55g. So probably around 80g or so. This plant was harvested early at Day 65.

P.E 2 - Still 145g after a week of curing. Not as fragrant as P.E 1

W.W 1 - 175g after 5 days curing

A.A.H 1 - Couldn't believe my eyes but I got 260g dry weight, 3rd day curing. The buds dry and cure very well. Looking real nice and test buds are feeling real potent.

A.A.H 2 - The only plant I managed to get a wet weight and it was 680g. I only got 140g dry from this plant but the buds are pretty dense and looks different from A.A.H 1

I still have another smaller/stunted test plant to harvest - W.W 2. I should not need to worry about supplies for a while.

Pics below. A total of 10 jars. 6 x 2litre jars and 4 x 1litre jars. I'm finding that I prefer a larger jar when curing. I like to shake them vigorously the first week to separate/air them. I like how the buds ball up when i do that.







W.W 2 is really surprising me with her growth. Will do an update on her soon!

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nice job to you Eq.=== happy toking
I am so proud of WW2! Although it is pretty likely that they are airy, the buds are big as hell. Probably as big as the biggest bud on my biggest plant.

She has been getting loads of lights, about 200W of 3500k and blurple for the past 10 days or so. After playing with a few days of darkness with the last few plants, I wanted to take it a step further with the remaining WW2. I've been switching off lights when i go to bed and turning back on before work. I still take her out for morning sun as usual. Loosely translated, she gets darkness (not total but should be good enough) for around 7 hours each day for past 10 days or so. On top of that, she also been fed Red Line + Sweet Candy every 3-4 days. I make 4 litres but she takes it in 2 servings once each day. These are the only 2 things I've done different and results are encouraging unless almost dead plants are supposed to come back like this?

Which makes me think if I gave the last 5 plants too much lights? Although they all yielded well, I have a sneaky suspicion that some lights off time especially during last 3-4 weeks would produce better quality buds? This is what I plan to find out next grow. Got to learn how to use that timer i bought!





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PE1 has been cured for about 1 month. I've been smoking her since the day she was jarred and boy does she improve over time! I now know what you guys are talking about!

The taste is just delicious. I'm bad with describing it cos i don't understand what the descriptions/smoke reports mean most the time. I'm sure there are more like me if more would admit

Tastes sweet, fruity and after taste of confectionery is the best i can do. I vape exclusively and consume them no other way atm.

But the biggest difference seems to be the high. Does anyone have a good explanation on why it feels stronger with cure? Only because of CBN increase? Just feels like there is more to it. After about a month of curing, it now takes much lesser of the same weed to knock me out.

I am now a believer of curing and its benefits. Just not all that knowledgeable with how or why?

A pic of smaller PE 1 buds i brought to my one man office as my work stash. They have since been vaporized!

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Do you guys know what success looks like? View pic below!!


That is a quote I'd like to put on my resume....if not cos it'd put my ass in jail LOL

But seriously though...a quote like that from someone of Don Skelly's status in any other field, and I'd be a famous man!

Thank you, Sir!

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ut the biggest difference seems to be the high. Does anyone have a good explanation on why it feels stronger with cure? Only because of CBN increase? Just feels like there is more to it. After about a month of curing, it now takes much lesser of the same weed to knock me out.

Through a process called biosynthesis, in which certain compounds are gradually converted into new blends. For example, THCA becomes the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, THC. This process doesn’t completely stop the second you cut down your plant; if you keep freshly harvested cannabis in temperatures between 60 and 70°F and humidity level between 45-55%, the conversion of non-psychoactive cannabinoids to THCA will continue and your buds will gain potency.

After 2 to 3 weeks in containers, your cannabis will be cured enough to provide a quality experience, but 4 to 8 weeks of cure time will improve it even more. Some strains benefit from 6 months or more of curing.

That is a quote I'd like to put on my resume....if not cos it'd put my ass in jail LOL


But seriously though...a quote like that from someone of Don Skelly's status in any other field, and I'd be a famous man!

Thank you, Sir!

Ironically, if I had the status I have in the canna world in any other field, i wouldn't have to scratch to get the money I need to pay the bills...LOL
Through a process called biosynthesis, in which certain compounds are gradually converted into new blends. For example, THCA becomes the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, THC. This process doesn’t completely stop the second you cut down your plant; if you keep freshly harvested cannabis in temperatures between 60 and 70°F and humidity level between 45-55%, the conversion of non-psychoactive cannabinoids to THCA will continue and your buds will gain potency.

After 2 to 3 weeks in containers, your cannabis will be cured enough to provide a quality experience, but 4 to 8 weeks of cure time will improve it even more. Some strains benefit from 6 months or more of curing.


Ironically, if I had the status I have in the canna world in any other field, i wouldn't have to scratch to get the money I need to pay the bills...LOL
A guy I worked for in Amsterdam cured his weed for minimum of 9months before he even smoked a joint of it.

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I could not resist! This is the last plant of my first grow ever and is ready for a planned early chop. I drove a blade into her and stuck a spoon inside the gap. Her trunk is so small that a pencil would not be possible. But she is like all buds....dont see much need for trimming.

I have wanted to try this and who better to try it on than WW2, who seems impossible to kill!

She got the knife this morning and is on lights until the sun sets this evening and then...darkness till harvest next morning. I expect to see even fatter buds if the legend is true? If she starts to die, I'll just chop her up to dry but few hours later and still seem good.




NOW..we are almost done for this first ever grow! Any ideas for a closing ceremony since there wasnt an opening one? Lol...

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