New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

I know the feeling just go to the jar and pinch a joint haha.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'

Chopping WW 1 today


Wish me luck!

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Update @Day 86 for the remaining AAH 1 and 2. AAH 1 matured at super speed these 2 days. She is ready to be chopped right now in fact. I'm gonna risk it a little and wait another two days or so. I need to make space in the closet. PE 2 will be jarred in 2 days so I hope AAH 1 can hang on in there.

AAH 2 will likely need another 2 days so hopefully they harvest together. They were very dry today after only 3 days. Which confuses me cos they look done. Shouldn't they drink lesser now? Anyways, I decided to feed them one last time and let them take whatever they need/can. It was 0.42g per litre each of RL and SC and nothing else cos PH was 6.07 which I was too lazy to adjust. PPM about 500.

Can anyone tell me if its ok to wait another 2 days if they look like this.......









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@Equatorial!!!!! These plants are just too amazing!
Soooo proud of your results.
Now your only problem is what to do with all your stash!
This is definitely a fat pound here, haha!!!!!
And they all look very very sweet.

Don't worry about a few white pistils on top.
I never wait until all pistils drop to harvest.
If you wait for that long, the earliest calyxes are prob over ripe already.
Especially with strains that tend to run on a bit,
like most sativa dominant or even hybrid strains.

Blaze one up for me!!!! Or a couple!
@Equatorial!!!!! These plants are just too amazing!
Soooo proud of your results.
Now your only problem is what to do with all your stash!
This is definitely a fat pound here, haha!!!!!
And they all look very very sweet.

Don't worry about a few white pistils on top.
I never wait until all pistils drop to harvest.
If you wait for that long, the earliest calyxes are prob over ripe already.
Especially with strains that tend to run on a bit,
like most sativa dominant or even hybrid strains.

Blaze one up for me!!!! Or a couple!
I'm trying to go a little later cos my dad said the early harvested PE 1 freaked him out a little. He wants something that helps him sleep. I'm guessing the WW 1 harvested yesterday pretty ripe should do it for him.

Just in case, I'm letting the sativa dom AAH sisters go a little longer too. Even for personal health maintenance use, a more complete cannabinoid profile should be more beneficial. Yes, I'm under the impression that regular usage of cannabis maintains good health. Thats what it does right? More ripe, more complete cannabinoids?

What do i risk if they are over ripe? Besides mold? I have been harvesting a few days after I see smaller in bud fan leaves start to die. Just a couple here and there and at the end of a few days, increasingly more. Thats when i chop. But that is most likely made sooner due to the extreme light stress I put on them. Gave them first 5 hours lights off of their life(but not complete darkness) and unless I'm imagining things, they look fatter. So gonna try it again tonight and perhaps chop tomorrow when i jar PE 2 and create some space. I think i read somewhere that Sat dom and haze strains dont get fully amber pistils.

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Hmmm... not sure about "complete". The profile changes.
Think of fruit -- later doesn't mean more "complete".
Will go from not ripe, to ripe, to over ripe, to rotten.
So, just depends how you like it.
Since it's your first grow, you'll need to experiment a bit,
and keep watch, to find how time and maturation effects the result.
Different strains differ in so many way, pistils, trichomes, etc.
AAH 1 chopped at Day 88!

My biggest plant. Took me and my wife 90 minutes just to casually trim them. I'm really lazy to trim and find myself trimming lesser and lesser each time. I don't keep any trim so i leave as much as i feel is cool. I wanted to do both AAH 1 and 2 but ran out of time. Did not even take jarred PE 2 pics and hanging AAH 1 pics. Will do it when I get back home. The buds are the fattest I've seen in my life!

This plant is easily more than a kilogram in wet weight. With branches and all, there is easily 1kg++ of AAH 1 hanging on the closet right now. I hate myself for not weighing PE 2 and getting a wet weight for AAH 1. Thing is, I hang each branch right after I trim them cos i dont have anything to keep all of them branches without squishing them. I should at least weighed each branch before i hang them. But its such a fookin chore!

Maybe I can weigh the empty jars and then the filled ones to get a rough weight?

More pics when i get back home










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