New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

They are little popcorns but they sure are hard as hell....



If Pineapple Express is making me forget stuff, I'm starting to fear what Amnesia Haze is gonna do to me. I expected this PE to give me more airy buds and less potency cos i harvested early. Couldve easily given her another week. The buds are not as dense as i expected but my expectations means nothing anyways. Potency on the other hand has exceeded my expectations. I thought the aphrodisiac properties of this strain is just BS marketing ploy although i did read growers mention it on grow diaries. Without going into details, lets just say my wife is now much more supportive of my grow lol.

Don't really know what else to include in this popcorn review?

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They are little popcorns but they sure are hard as hell....



If Pineapple Express is making me forget stuff, I'm starting to fear what Amnesia Haze is gonna do to me. I expected this PE to give me more airy buds and less potency cos i harvested early. Couldve easily given her another week. The buds are not as dense as i expected but my expectations means nothing anyways. Potency on the other hand has exceeded my expectations. I thought the aphrodisiac properties of this strain is just BS marketing ploy although i did read growers mention it on grow diaries. Without going into details, lets just say my wife is now much more supportive of my grow lol.

Don't really know what else to include in this popcorn review?

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Haha nice!! I gotta get some pineapple express!! Been wanting to do a triple company PE growoff for years(fastbuds, g13 labs and barneys farm)
Update @ Day 75
The girls are still drinking. Still considerable amounts of white pistils. The limited amount of fan leaves I have on them are yellowing. Some entirely yellowed. They are all starting to eat themselves, I guess. I am looking for the ripe look where pretty much all pistils are orange/ red. I am estimating within the next 2 weeks, they will be chopped one by one.

PE 2
Much bigger than her sister that I chopped early. Knowing I still had her gave me the courage to chop the last plant. Her buds are much bigger but we'll only know for sure when harvested. She is very close imo




She is my pride and joy. Never thought i could grow such a big plant. PE 2 is very close in second though. The buds are crazy big for my newb eyes. She will most likely finish last. Wont be surprised if she takes the full 2 weeks or more to finish.

This pic is pretty much all her! A couple of PE 2 and WW1 in top and bottom right corner but 95% is all AAH 1. Don't intend to give any support yet, as she still feels stable enough. Zero reduction in drinking speed so most likely gonna continue feeding her. The rest will probably get only PHed molasses juice from now till harvest as i noticed slight slowing down but we'll see. She just started to show me some minor yellowing of leaves so i still gotta be patient.




Shes not purple. Its just the lights.

Stunted as a seedling. Had variegation up till today. Seems like a very different pheno. Short and extremely bushy. Buds are clearly different. I did not top or fim this plant. Only LST and very little defoliation. I just have a sneaky suspicion that her buds will be very strong. Yield will probably be very normal



WW 1
Frostiest among all plants. Just covered with trichs and even shines like a diamond from a distance. Bud sites are abundant but I could have let her stretch more, I think? She is slow to bulk up but gaining weight every day.




WW 2
The wonder girl! Looks like she will produce after all! But will be some very airy buds. I really don't care though. Wont count my eggs first but i really did torture her. Deprived her of light when i had no space. Still just giving her a partial lit corner. I thought i was smart by taking her out for sun the entire day but ended up burning ALL leaves on her and dropped her with soil/root exposed.....TWICE! Nute burned the hell outta her with serious wind burn marks cos i needed the air circulation (Mold scare). Supercropped ALL her branches. Lets see what she looks like. In all honesty, i did some touch ups and removed many almost dead leaves. She looks much better in the pics now lol





Amazing, right? It really takes a lot to not get anything from an autoflower plant! I barely watered her and when I did, I burn her bad lol! So just grow away...we are bound to get something!

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Wonderful! They are finishing perfectly!
Did you weigh PE 1? I think you're still going to get near a pound, haha.

As for your mini smoke report on her -- glad your wife is more supportive, hee hee.

Have not weighed. Smoked a lot of them though. My scale is real small and i dont trust putting a large tray on it cos any movement will change the weight dramatically. Does not seem like it would be accurate at all. Weighing in batches is just a hassle and might cause a mess. My wife hates the smell so i got only a small window to burp them and keep them away while airing the room. Don't wanna cause more odor than I need to. She still does not know I plan to use the AC drying room for much longer next. So wanna keep her happy till she finds out...

Like i said, i don't even think about weighing them now that i got 3 jars (not full) staring me in the face. I'm more interested in tasting the difference every day and making sure the rest of them harvest safely. Using this early harvest as a reference for the next few harvest was a great idea! I now know that I will prefer them to be more ripe and have more of an indica high. It will also be more beneficial for my Dad.

One thing for sure is I'll be weighing AAH 1 and PE 2. They are huge and I'm really curious about the yields. The other plants, I'll be happy as long as they give me an ounce or two, which looks like a very realistic yield to me.

I don't talk/ think much about yields compared to other newbs. Maybe perhaps I secretly think I'll fail? Or perhaps knowing how much I have will make me cocky and less careful when growing? Most likely is because I have too many things to get excited about on my first grow. A few more run when i get most things dialed in, I'll probably start to care much more since everything else has become mundane and yields will be the new high that i chase after. We'll just have to see.

I only bought 12 jars. I'm gonna need more for sure.

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I've been lacking in the updates. Was really busy and tired. This update will hopefully be a little better.

On Day 77, fed them PHed molasses juice only. I estimate about 100++ml of molasses to 20litres water. Final solution has around less than 400ppm. Tap water has 45ppm.

Today is Day 80. Could not control myself from using Red Line and Sweet Candy on them. I mixed each 0.38g per litre of RL and SC and only needed to up PH by a little. PPM was surprisingly low at only 350ppm or so. This dosage exceeds the recommended dosage by a wee bit so I was surprised at the ppm. Perhaps its meant as an additive only and not meant to be used alone? In gallons, I used 1.4++g per gallon of each RL and SC so unless my scale is faulty, dosage should already be on the higher end.

Anyways, about 10 hours later the less mature plants seem to have put on some size. Could very well just be a natural progression.

Pics I just took in a hurry. Hope they are decent:



PE2 seems ripe for the picking. Yellow is spreading to almost whole plant now. Some pistils even seem overly dark for my newb eyes. Is that purple hue I see or is it a sign of overly ripe? However, amber trichs are only around 10%-20% and I'm looking for a more indica high. Still around 10%-20% white pistils sticking out. I'd like to get around 30%-40% amber trichs but will exercise judgement. Anyone care to advice?





WW 1 should be next in line. Around 10% amber trichs. White pistils slowly curling up but still accounts for around 30%-40% of all pistils. Very very frosty.

Few days ago seems like she got some time to go but today made me rethink. This happens to me a lot. Anyone wanna help me stay sane? This newb dont know what a prime matured bud looks like.




AAH 2 should be second last in line. She might be small and bushy but the bud development is surprising me. She is darkest in color cos she get same nutes as the big gals. Her pistils are long and large. Much more so than her much larger sister. Fat sugar leaves but not much frost on them. Buds are very frosty though. The last week showed obvious vertical and horizontal bud size increase. Starting to yellow and spreading.





AAH 1 is the largest of them all. Like white rocks in leaves. Still growing in bud size. Just started to see some brown pistils these few days. Bud still seem to be growing upwards. Spreaded her a little. If she goes longer than all by a lot, I'll perhaps spread her wider to get better lower bud quality. Still no idea what to expect or when to expect it? Limited amount of amber trichs. Need to really look to find one but more noticeable on more matured buds.


Bud shot of WW2. Not bad at all. If there is 10 grams on her, I'll be extremely proud of myself and

Lastly a poorly taken group shot.


Pretty much all drooping to different extent cos I'm blasting lights on them. Since i cant stress them using the full dark method, I'll try with more lights to hopefully produce more trichs. Will exercise caution

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Don't put through to much stress otherwise will go male. I just stressed one of my gorrila glue to much normally they can take it. But no she decided to turn on me and had to put her out side. Plus side put a clear bag over her gona collect all pollen and cross with another strain. See if I can get a stable strain.

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I've been lacking in the updates. Was really busy and tired. This update will hopefully be a little better.

On Day 77, fed them PHed molasses juice only. I estimate about 100++ml of molasses to 20litres water. Final solution has around less than 400ppm. Tap water has 45ppm.

Today is Day 80. Could not control myself from using Red Line and Sweet Candy on them. I mixed each 0.38g per litre of RL and SC and only needed to up PH by a little. PPM was surprisingly low at only 350ppm or so. This dosage exceeds the recommended dosage by a wee bit so I was surprised at the ppm. Perhaps its meant as an additive only and not meant to be used alone? In gallons, I used 1.4++g per gallon of each RL and SC so unless my scale is faulty, dosage should already be on the higher end.

Anyways, about 10 hours later the less mature plants seem to have put on some size. Could very well just be a natural progression.

Pics I just took in a hurry. Hope they are decent:



PE2 seems ripe for the picking. Yellow is spreading to almost whole plant now. Some pistils even seem overly dark for my newb eyes. Is that purple hue I see or is it a sign of overly ripe? However, amber trichs are only around 10%-20% and I'm looking for a more indica high. Still around 10%-20% white pistils sticking out. I'd like to get around 30%-40% amber trichs but will exercise judgement. Anyone care to advice?





WW 1 should be next in line. Around 10% amber trichs. White pistils slowly curling up but still accounts for around 30%-40% of all pistils. Very very frosty.

Few days ago seems like she got some time to go but today made me rethink. This happens to me a lot. Anyone wanna help me stay sane? This newb dont know what a prime matured bud looks like.




AAH 2 should be second last in line. She might be small and bushy but the bud development is surprising me. She is darkest in color cos she get same nutes as the big gals. Her pistils are long and large. Much more so than her much larger sister. Fat sugar leaves but not much frost on them. Buds are very frosty though. The last week showed obvious vertical and horizontal bud size increase. Starting to yellow and spreading.





AAH 1 is the largest of them all. Like white rocks in leaves. Still growing in bud size. Just started to see some brown pistils these few days. Bud still seem to be growing upwards. Spreaded her a little. If she goes longer than all by a lot, I'll perhaps spread her wider to get better lower bud quality. Still no idea what to expect or when to expect it? Limited amount of amber trichs. Need to really look to find one but more noticeable on more matured buds.


Bud shot of WW2. Not bad at all. If there is 10 grams on her, I'll be extremely proud of myself and

Lastly a poorly taken group shot.


Pretty much all drooping to different extent cos I'm blasting lights on them. Since i cant stress them using the full dark method, I'll try with more lights to hopefully produce more trichs. Will exercise caution

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Hey bro still looking great there .

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'