New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

yeh man. but these storms help everything grow stronger. called my cousin when it all passed and his words where "hurricane what hurricane dat lil wind there. I be going fishing dem some big fish out der after hurricane you know."

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Hahaha yup it passes and life goes on wii lol.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
dude... your English is better than mine and I am English.. well half any way. the other half is a little carribean island where they speak English French or broken French. (pat twoi.. think that's how you spell it. )

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Dominica my friend. although I know no patois. well I've forgotten it anyway. haven visited in about 5years. but can't wait to get back out there and see all my family.

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Haha ok then lots of friends from there. They went through Maria last year as well . Bad year for the NE Caribbean last year where hurricanes are concerned

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'

yeh man. but these storms help everything grow stronger. called my cousin when it all passed and his words where "hurricane what hurricane dat lil wind there. I be going fishing dem some big fish out der after hurricane you know."

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I have a ton of family in Puerto Rico... My step dad is from there. Matter of fact they were just there on the 13th.. then on the 18th the whole island had another blackout. But like you guys said... The Caribbean is resilient! And they will come back!

I have a ton of family in Puerto Rico... My step dad is from there. Matter of fact they were just there on the 13th.. then on the 18th the whole island had another blackout. But like you guys said... The Caribbean is resilient! And they will come back!

Yup that is soo cool . So many people on here with Caribbean roots . One love worldwide.

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
Update @Day 69

Quick update with no pics yet cos I was busy jarring up PE1 this morning. Quickly fed the girls and went to work. Did not even weigh the buds.

My bloom nutes are all finished and Mega Crop is not here yet. Should be in a day or two. I'm guessing I'll just need a couple of feeds at most with MC as base and SC to replace the molasses I'm using weekly. Then would be followed by 1-2 feeds of plain PHed water...then boom..harvest! Next grow will be only with MC and its additives.

I noticed some slight clawing from last feed. Could be from wind burns though but wont risk it. And since I don't have anymore bloom nutes, I decided to skip a feed without them. Fed them with only 2ml/l CalMag + A generous 4 tbsp full of Molasses mixed in 20 litres of water + Liquid Silicone and Wood Vinegar to bring PH to slightly below 6.2.

The last harvest was intentionally done early for a few reasons. One was so I can say I planted on Valentines and harvested on 420. Another is to keep my hands off the other girls by having meds on hand. I know i am used to indica high and will most likely prefer them. I also want to help my dad sleep better so the other girls will go longer for more amber. The first plant was smaller so wanted to judge how an early harvest tastes like for myself.

Pics later...

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EQ.. what a fantastic first grow and journal.. it's really detailed and obviously your the kinda person that researches the heck outta everything to give it your all, I think all new growers can get a lot from what you've done here. Well done.. looking forward to your next pics :cheers: :slap:
EQ.. what a fantastic first grow and journal.. it's really detailed and obviously your the kinda person that researches the heck outta everything to give it your all, I think all new growers can get a lot from what you've done here. Well done.. looking forward to your next pics :cheers: :slap:

Thanks so much! This grow has given me so much I hope to be able to give something back.

I had some cleaners in my house today. So still have not taken jarring pics. Don't wanna stink the house up.

But it IS Day 70 after all. Gotta at least post some plant pics to commemorate! Pics in a bit...

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Update @Day 72

These few days have been hectic. Haven't even had time to come on AFN...much. Daddy dearest went on a holiday so I gotta cover his chores.

I have not even had much time for the girls. Almost affecting my daily schedule with them. So i still have not weighed the buds. I have limited window to burp them every day after my wife leaves for work cos I'll have to go shortly too. This is cos I need the AC room. Outside air just won't work cos its too humid. But I did manage to snap jar pics.

I think this was taken 2 days back. Just when I was about to lay them out to weigh, I was asked to visit the stationery shop for kids school supplies....damnit!
Honestly, I really don't care about weight now that I have real buds staring me in the face. I don't think any newb in my situation worries about weight too much. Smoking it is all u think
As long as there is an ounce or so, I'll be extremely proud of myself.
I've probably smoked a couple grams at least. I've been sampling buds ever since harvest day. I wanna see what each day tastes like. So far, I've been okay with it since Day 3.
The jar with lotsa desiccant bags are the popcorns. I purposely did not use Integra Boost on them. I did not even hang them. Just threw them into jar straight from plant with lotsa dessicant. Shaked few times a day. They smell WAY inferior and less potent for some reason. However, it is getting better. The main buds under Integra is doing excellent. I read many ppl losing their bud smell during drying/curing but the Integra Boost must be doing something right cos they smell heavenly. The popcorns are way inferior under normal desiccant bags even with similar RH levels.

DISCLAIMER: Lest someone comes in and lectures me bout how I should not smoke them before done, I am NOT advocating anyone to do this! I'm a newb...I just wanna experience!

The popcorns are excellent today. The desiccant bags kept RH at 58 compared to 65 with Integras. I only have access to the popcorns now cos they are my dedicated work smoke. Like i have a lot to choose

Potency gets better every day as they get dryer. Most likely due to me using a vaporizer. They bake the herbs less well if very wet. Today already feels perfect to me at only day 7 or 8 from harvest.

Now on to the girls. No pics today cos no time. Fed them 3 big tbsp of Molasses + 2ml/l CalMag + Liquid Silicone and Mangrove Wood Vinegar to bring PH to a nice 6.2. 20 litres as usual. Gave mixed sh!t fert around 50++grams for 3 large plants and 30++grams for the smaller one.

Having issues with nutes shipment. Gonna have to do without base nutes till i chop. Don't expect it to be a problem though cos they are very close to finish. Others would already begin flushing but I'll feed nutes till last 1-2 feeds.

Basically replaced base nutes with Molasses now. The ppm and EC is the same as when I used base nutes so I know I substituted just the right amount. Also…i cant be 100% sure but I really like what I see each time they get the molasses thats y I'm using them every feed now. I also hope that the extra K will help fatten them up. I plan to stop CalMag cos they are all of superb color after 2 weeks of CalMag at small doses. So this also means they will be pretty much all organic till harvest, which may not be such a bad idea, though not what I set out to do.

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