New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

Please tell me these are calyxes and not ball sacks! Although it would be weird to get ball sacks so small at this point. They are flowering pretty well now. But they do look ball like. So i thought I'd run it through you guys


First time seeing frost on a plant of any kind. She's only 42 days old. Can't contain my excitement!


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Please tell me these are calyxes and not ball sacks! Although it would be weird to get ball sacks so small at this point. They are flowering pretty well now. But they do look ball like. So i thought I'd run it through you guys


First time seeing frost on a plant of any kind. She's only 42 days old. Can't contain my excitement!


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They are calyxes . No worries

'Carpe diem et fumum veriditas'
Day 45
Fed with 6ml/l of Ionic Grow with 0.5ml/l Liquid Silicone and 0.5ml/l Mangrove Wood Vinegar to bring PH around 6.2. Before watering, I made a fertilizer mixture of the below:

1 part 5-18-5 Bat Guano Powder Fert
1 part 0.4-17-1.2 Silicon Phosphate Seabird Guano granules
1 part 4-16-16 Organic+Inorganic Flowering Fert

The end mixture is 3++:17:11++ by my calculation and is crushed and mixed evenly. Each plant except the stunted one received around 25g mixed loosely around the base. Around 4 litres of nute mix watered into them.







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I'm trying to take better pics. Hope there are at least some tiny improvement.

The grow space only has 5 plants now. Its too crowded and the stunted one naturally had to go. Lets count the calamities that has befallen her thus far:

1. I dropped her twice from waist length to grass floor. She is housed in an at least 8kg ceramic pot so imagine the impact. Soil poured out a little. Yes, it happened twice in a matter of few hours.

2. She is tip burnt all over cos i gave her nutes that were only half diluted. I was so lazy i just poured regular nutes on her and just added tap water afterwards.

3. I supercropped ALL her branches. She looks like a mess!


Still surviving! As you can see, i can only give her a poorly lit space to grow in. Gotta give priorities to the larger ladies. Lets see what she can do under these conditions? She is flowering too!

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Day 49

Woohoo....Week 7! Lucky number 7!

The girls received a simple feeding. Upped the base bloom nutes to 7ml/l + 0.5ml/l Liquid Silicone + 0.6ml/l Mangrove Wood Vinegar to bring PH to around 6.2

The last feeding finally let me know their limits a little. They loved the fert mix i gave them with 3 plants showing a real tiny bit of burnt tips on just a couple of leaves. I was lazy to find them leaves and take a pic.

So i have an idea of the max feed they can take. Should help me devise their following feeds. Will wait till next feed or the following one to add another round of my 3.13:17:11.5 fert mix via top dress. Reason to wait is just in case the fert mix is slow releasing. I need to observe and make sure they are fine before i give another dose.

I defoliated a lot. Don't know how else to explain. Next update, I'll post pics of the leaves I've collected in a bin from defoliation this past week or so.

They have all transitioned to full flowering. Even the slowest AAH 1 has changed to all darker green, more rigid, making buds. PE 1 is still by far the fastest. Buds are really fattening. I did not expect such beautiful buds from my first grow. They look like i can dry them now and smoke them already

The sun was strong today. Not easy to take pics. But i feel that its time for solo pics to commemorate them surviving 7 weeks. Next time, I'll just bring them inside against a white wall and attempt to take good pics like other growers on AFN.



Still largest one but she is also heavily Sativa. So not a fair comparison. She just turned all dark today and finally focusing on buds. Pics don't do her any justice imo.


Stunted as a seedling, she is now short and very bushy. But buds seem much denser than her much larger sister. Shortest plant atm but really interesting to see what she produces. Does not seem to be as Sativa dominant as her sister above.



PE 1
This plant is very important to me, especially the past 2 weeks or so. She flowered very soon and helps me understand what to expect from the rest. Although its quite obvious that she is more indica dominant.



PE 2
This one is larger than PE 1. A little slower but really excited to see her grow. I supercropped pretty much 100% on this girl. Some of her buds are already bigger than her sister above.



WW 1
Great structure. The plant with most successful LST job imo. Again, pics don't do justice. Lots of white hairs emerging every day.

The stunted WW2 is doing fine but i did not take any pics .

Group pics below:



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Day 49

Woohoo....Week 7! Lucky number 7!

The girls received a simple feeding. Upped the base bloom nutes to 7ml/l + 0.5ml/l Liquid Silicone + 0.6ml/l Mangrove Wood Vinegar to bring PH to around 6.2

The last feeding finally let me know their limits a little. They loved the fert mix i gave them with 3 plants showing a real tiny bit of burnt tips on just a couple of leaves. I was lazy to find them leaves and take a pic.

So i have an idea of the max feed they can take. Should help me devise their following feeds. Will wait till next feed or the following one to add another round of my 3.13:17:11.5 fert mix via top dress. Reason to wait is just in case the fert mix is slow releasing. I need to observe and make sure they are fine before i give another dose.

I defoliated a lot. Don't know how else to explain. Next update, I'll post pics of the leaves I've collected in a bin from defoliation this past week or so.

They have all transitioned to full flowering. Even the slowest AAH 1 has changed to all darker green, more rigid, making buds. PE 1 is still by far the fastest. Buds are really fattening. I did not expect such beautiful buds from my first grow. They look like i can dry them now and smoke them already

The sun was strong today. Not easy to take pics. But i feel that its time for solo pics to commemorate them surviving 7 weeks. Next time, I'll just bring them inside against a white wall and attempt to take good pics like other growers on AFN.



Still largest one but she is also heavily Sativa. So not a fair comparison. She just turned all dark today and finally focusing on buds. Pics don't do her any justice imo.


Stunted as a seedling, she is now short and very bushy. But buds seem much denser than her much larger sister. Shortest plant atm but really interesting to see what she produces. Does not seem to be as Sativa dominant as her sister above.



PE 1
This plant is very important to me, especially the past 2 weeks or so. She flowered very soon and helps me understand what to expect from the rest. Although its quite obvious that she is more indica dominant.



PE 2
This one is larger than PE 1. A little slower but really excited to see her grow. I supercropped pretty much 100% on this girl. Some of her buds are already bigger than her sister above.



WW 1
Great structure. The plant with most successful LST job imo. Again, pics don't do justice. Lots of white hairs emerging every day.

The stunted WW2 is doing fine but i did not take any pics .

Group pics below:



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Ummmm wow!!! Excellent job bud!! Great looking plants
Ummmm wow!!! Excellent job bud!! Great looking plants

Means a lot coming from you, dear Sir!

You, along with islandgrower, hecno, Maria, Dubious, Dudeski and i may have forgotten some, have been checking in and helping me since day 0. The vibes alone, is most likely the reason I've not screwed up...yet!

So be sure to continue dropping in! Thank you again!

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Means a lot coming from you, dear Sir!

You, along with islandgrower, hecno, Maria, Dubious, Dudeski and i may have forgotten some, have been checking in and helping me since day 0. The vibes alone, is most likely the reason I've not screwed up...yet!

So be sure to continue dropping in! Thank you again!

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I try to swing by as much as i can, but i admit i get busy with stuff going on!! Soon i will be super busy with gardens and stuff and be online far less.
Means a lot coming from you, dear Sir!

You, along with islandgrower, hecno, Maria, Dubious, Dudeski and i may have forgotten some, have been checking in and helping me since day 0. The vibes alone, is most likely the reason I've not screwed up...yet!

So be sure to continue dropping in! Thank you again!

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The afn vibe is what makes this site so great! You are doing great