@Equatorial, what's up brother? Thanks for the link. First let me say, WOW! You have obviously been listening to the right advice here, because for a first grow (for any grow), you are knocking it out of the park! I have only read your first and last page. Didn't expect to see that "Balcony Of Bud" that you have going on.

From your first page,
@Kya Knight gave great advice about worm castings. (always, always, always) Due to your location, you have a whole set of issues I don't have to deal with.
@Maria Sanchez sounds like she has her stuff dialed in pretty well, and she has your same set of obstacles. I have a different take on what is most important to plants, but like I said to you before, everyone on the internet is an expert, so keep it simple. As you gain experience, you will start to make your own regimen tweaks and find what works for you. Anyone that looks at your plants can see that you are studying your grow, and that you are smart enough to weed (punny) out the bs, and take away the useful bits that you need.You have a real knack for growing; not everybody has that.
When I grew outdoors, we were in the woods, so we didn't use pots. We would dig our holes, throw in a couple of fish, horse manure and a few cups of hardwood ash and that was it. I wouldn't try that on a balcony, though. We were near a creek, so water was no problem. The only extra thing we started adding years later was the worm castings, and it was a great addition. Just keep on doing what you are doing man. Pretty soon, you are going to be one happy camper.
Thanks buddy! You guys keep praising me and I'll really start to think I'm any good!
Feel like posting a long rant so please indulge me....
Part of the reason I used this thread and not start a new thread is, I wanted to keep all my ignorant posts that might sound stupid to some. If any newb chance upon this thread, he or she will know its ok to be stupid sometimes. No one starts out being an expert anyways.
I panicked more than other newbs mainly cos I have not grown a single thing in my life. Not even seen a live cannabis plant. When i first posted, i had no idea what NPK was? I thought all questions had a definitive answer to it and almost became demanding when seeking answers. Then I realized i gotta figure a lot out myself.
@Maria Sanchez was just a dear and patiently replied to all my questions.
@hecno basically taught me to think for myself and question every action i take.
@islandgrower is like a big bro looking after my grow.
@912GreenSkell @Dabber @Dubious143 and many others (U guys got to have simpler nicks) have always been generous with words of encouragements!
@Kya Knight pls accept my apologies. Your tip to use worm cast has helped tremendously! Hope to see you around soon!
From the hopeless newb in earlier pages, I have since:
Bought and used cheap China Cobs
Used bottled base nutes
Mixed my own dry PK boost fert
Made aerated compost tea
Employed almost all training methods- LST, Topping, Fimming, supercropping, lollipoping, bud pinching, defoliation. Only thing missing is SCROG but i like moving them too much!
One thing that is consistent so far is my inclination towards trying as much as i reasonably can but not using anything top of the line. This was aimed as experiencing as much as possible while keeping a modest budget. This was the reason i got China cobs instead of branded and highly rated lights. Also why i controlled the urge to buy Greenleaf Nutrients product line. And many other things too. After reading posts by
@pop22 @912GreenSkell @NateNobody @Waira @Rebel @Savage Garden and many others, I felt like I could make it work. If i started with all top of the line stuff, I would never know how stuff compares. Hope it makes sense. Basically, I wanted to see how far i can go with basic stuff and then see how much better equipments/nutes/additives etc can help improve results?
So here i am now. Things progressing alright. Very worried about 1 plant in particular. PE2 started smaller than PE1 but is now huge. Due to her size, she is affected the most by the high humidity. Hope to see more improvements from her soon
A big wet thank you to everyone who has dropped by so far! You guys have been the best!
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