New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

Day 38

The last feed did not show any signs of nute burn. The stunted WW2 however showed a little tip burn on a couple of leaves. But she's like at least 1/10th the size of others. Plus her soil is hot to begin with. AAH 1, my currently largest plant is still significantly pale compared to the others. Will continue to observe.

Brewed a different tea this time. Thought a lot about it and decided on the below:

30g Bat Guano 5-18-5
30g Silicon Phosphate Seabird Guano 0.4-17-1.2
30g Organic+Inorganic Flowering Fert 4-16-16
The above mixed together and crushed (Seabird and flowering fert are granules and pellet form)
About 500g Worm poop
20ml Fish & Seaweed Extract
4 tbsp Blackstrap Molasses

All mixed into a 5 gallon bucket and aired for 24 hours with bubbler and airstone. It turned out very well. Much better than the last round. Nice earthy smell. Lostsa and brown. Can't believe i did not take pics.

On to the girls. Early morning pics when i had not done too much damage yet [emoji1]



After feeding and few hours of morning sun, I put them back on lights. Weather was too cloudy. By this time, they had already suffered quite a bit under my hands.


Supercropped really heavily past few days. But am most likely gonna need to let go and let them grow upwards soon. When I planned this grow, i did not expect them all to survive, let alone grow so big. I have a 5ft horizontal space allocated for 3 plants. I'm already out of space and some plants are still stretching. Quite a pity to see them so cramped up and not growing to their potential. I really thought i had more than enough space.


AAH 1. She is still stretching but i have done my best. Supercropped her front back left and right. Not all are bent to expose budsites. Most are bent to "arrange" them and/or cut height a little. At least 70% of budsites have been supercropped to different degrees. On some, I just wanted the knuckle so did not bend. Only pinched the insides. Not sure if it will work? Nevertheless, it will have to do cos there is no space for her anymore. She takes the most space and are squeezing others out of light cos she is also tallest. Did i mention she is still stretching? The most infuriating part is that they are all so straight and uniformed. So easy to just supercrop them all outwards but instead, i got to move them around in the existing tight area. Guessing where each bent budsite will rise up at. Hope that they each have a good spot to receive light is all i can do now. If i get through this grow, will do max 3-4 plants next grow.


AAH2 is much bushier but also smaller. Seems to have stopped stretching and flowering just a little heavier than her sister. No topping done. Only LST and minimal supercropping. She was stunted a little during seedling stage.


PE1. The furthest in flowering so far. All white hairs on buds. Definitely stopped stretching. Defoliated her a lot. Just anything that gets in the way too much. Can be leaves from any part of the plant. I don't discriminate. Lets see if it bites me back....


PE2. Pretty much like her sister but still some green left on some buds. This one, i pretty much bent everything. The smaller center ones were supercropped inwards. Outer ones were bent sideways and some inwards too. Again, space restrictions. She is currently very short. You can even see AAH1 shadowing part of her light.


WW1 is also flowering but not quite there yet. Did all the usual with her too. Not sure what to expect cos her only sister is a stunted version of her. But I do expect them all to be in full flower like PE1 in the next few days. Probably before week 6. Lets see if I'm right?


WW2 growing nicely. Apart from the nute burnt tips on a few, everything seems ok. Fed her the same tea but then watered it down with tap water afterwards. Just a couple hundred ml. Her soil has poor drainage i think so she does not get dry.

I know my pics suck. Even i cannot see what I'm talking about in the pics. I'll try to improve on this area too.
Your growing autos right? The ladies are topped? I've been warned not to supercropp to much on autos.
Your growing autos right? The ladies are topped? I've been warned not to supercropp to much on autos.

They are autos. I read and heard the same. I made sure i did it gradually. When I did not see a single bit of stress even when i do a lot at once, i never looked back. That was probably last

I am however concerned with the bud quality if i go overboard and may well have. But the way i look at it, its a learning opportunity. If it has zero negative effects, all the better. If they turn out less dense or more airy than usual, then I'll just be thankful for an easier drying process without worrying too much about mold. My humidity levels are very high. So either way is cool. But from what I see so far, all seems good.

I might be breaking out another pair of lights that i bought just for the heck of it. They are the same lights but is full spectrum aka blurple. Been sitting on the bench so far. Did not know what i could do with them. The current 3 pairs are 3500k (Specifically 3450k). So i plan to use this pair of full spectrum lights as side lighting. Just shining through from the side. Unfortunately, the lights are joined 2 in 1, so i can only do one side. But the plants gets rotated somewhat so should be fine. I'm excited to see if this works?

Thanks again for always dropping by and chiming in. Really appreciate it!

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Just fixed the blurple lights. Looks beautiful. Some pics with both lights on.


Pics with only blurple on.



Blurple with flash on.

Amazing how just a pair of lights can penetrate through so well. Its basically on the floor around 40ish cm away, with a white foam board as base. 1-2 inches thick max. Best part is, no one can see even a bit. Might just keep it on just cause its

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Just fixed the blurple lights. Looks beautiful. Some pics with both lights on.


Pics with only blurple on.



Blurple with flash on.

Amazing how just a pair of lights can penetrate through so well. Its basically on the floor around 40ish cm away, with a white foam board as base. 1-2 inches thick max. Best part is, no one can see even a bit. Might just keep it on just cause its

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Looking real good bro . Just widen your grow space by a foot you will get a little more space . Plants are looking wonderful. You really do have a green thumb.

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Looking real good bro . Just widen your grow space by a foot you will get a little more space . Plants are looking wonderful. You really do have a green thumb.

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I wish i was really that good! But I had good teachers though. Thanks for the encouragement. And thank you even more for being here from before i started till now. Much appreciated bro!

Still need you guys though. Like I always say, there is still plenty of time for me to screw up. Just halfway there.

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Day 41

They will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! Yay...I did not think I'd reach this far with all 6 plants still alive! Counting my blessings for sure. Keeping fingers crossed the next month goes smoothly. Should be an exciting month ahead.

Fed them 6ml/l of Ionic Bloom + 3ml/l of Fish & Seaweed Extract + 2ml/l CalMag + 1.8ml/l of Liquid Silicone to bring PH to around 6.0 - 6.1ish. This should be the last feed of CalMag unless I see obvious deficiencies. Will also cut down on Fish & Seaweed (its around 5-1-1 ) extract and use only when I train too much or as necessary. They most likely would not need that much N now.

They are all heavier into flowering. The PEs are almost 100% covered in white hairs. Structure is rigid and stretch has stopped as far as i can tell. Followed by AAH which should be around 80%. WWs are the slowest to flower but getting there. Only about 60% getting rigid and turning white. Slowly changing from young green shoots to darker green and rigid branches. I expect them to all switch to 100% white moth balls and gain bud weight like PE1 and a lesser extent, PE2. Should be within these few days.

I increased spacing between the plants. Raised lights a little to spread light further out. Don't really like doing that cos i want them to get the most intense light within my power. So hopefully they stop growing any taller and the supercropped branches will grow a little back into the lights.





Just love seeing the blurple lights. Love the colors and the visual effects. Just around 130W and able to shine through 6 plants, giving good side lighting, I hope. Pics don't do them any justice imo.

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