New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

Did not supercrop. But open to the possibility. Its just that I've FIMmed and LST so far. With defoliation, i really don't see any need for supercropping. I did try it on a big fan leaf once but it came back in a few hours. Rubbed the stem soft and gently bend. I think i got it down if i need to do it. But the tying down part after supercropping is what I never really understood, in terms of how?

This is really helpful if im ever faced with a plant too tall. So really appreciate your input

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When you supercrop a top as his diagram shows you bend the main stalk after softening the inner parts of the stem by gently squeezing/rolling it between your fingers. Then bending it over at 90 degrees. Then tie it down so it does not right itself upright . If done correctly it will cause the lower branches to catch up with the main and theoretically get even colas on all the branches. It is just giving the lower branches a chance to be dominant.

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What a first grow! Looking happy and healthy.. Be careful taking your girls outside, if they're starting to smell you might get some unwanted visitors.. had to deal with pests on my last grow, was a headache.. make sure you have something on hand just in case :thumbsup:
What a first grow! Looking happy and healthy.. Be careful taking your girls outside, if they're starting to smell you might get some unwanted visitors.. had to deal with pests on my last grow, was a headache.. make sure you have something on hand just in case :thumbsup:

I finished an entire bottle of neem oil on these girls but they are starting to flower so no more. I have a potassium oleate pesticide if the situation warrants it. And also mangrove wood vinegar that repels pest.

The balcony is high and people cant see a thing. The smell just whisks away cos no neighbors at a 270 degree angle. The rest of the angles doesn't matter cos they are behind my house, with a divider.

Thanks for the kind words! Looking forward to seeing more of you around

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I would use the tea after 24 to 36 hours. Too long and it can get bad on you. Looks good to me !
I would use the tea after 24 to 36 hours. Too long and it can get bad on you. Looks good to me !


About 40 hours in. I'm waiting for another 8 hours or so cos the pots are not dry enough for my liking. No foul smell detected so should be ok. I'm only worried my high temps will make it go bad. But only one way to find out I guess. Do i need to add more molasses just in case?

Putting the girls on some extra sun hours to get them a little dryer for the tea later in the evening. 1-2 more hours more than usual. Not gonna LST at least a few days. They are big enough to me and too many budsites than the newb in me can handle. I lost count at 24 on the biggest AAH 1 plant. I read that too many bud sites might make overall yield airy and small.


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Very nice morning sun today. Felt compelled to take some pics. I move them daily for a few reasons. Firstly to get some morning sun. I like to think that whatever nasties that was with them throughout the night deserves to be fried with a couple hours of UV rays. My humidity is so high that i started worrying about molds from germination. So this is something i just cant stop doing.

Secondly, I get to feel the weight of each pot to see how light they are from yesterday. But I only feel, never weighed. This helps with watering. I even move them out and line them up according to weight of pots when watering.The physical activity is also welcomed. Moving 6 pots in and out sometimes twice a day (If i feed during evening) and checking/tucking each one gives me a decent warm up imo. The stairs will punish you if you forget stuff. Some days, its all the physical activity i need. My back is actually feeling better than before.

Also, I believe this toughens them up more. In 32 days, I would be lying if I said I never dropped them too hard, squeezed some soil, kicked/ tripped on them etc. So I'd like to think that me and the plants are toughening up together!


Also some updates from yesterday's feed. Better do it now before i forget the details. Fed the girls worm tea but added 3ml/l of Ionic Grow + 1ml/l Fish & Seaweed Extract(2ml/l was added in the beginning of brew) + 1ml/l of CalMag. PH was high at 7..05 but my tap water is 8++ so it makes sense. I read somewhere that good teas should be around PH7 so did not do anything else. When I added these, they foamed even more.

I made the decision of adding nutes to the tea even though many says that mineral salts can kill microbes. This is my issue with this. I'll be using them nutes anyways and it will be in the soil sooner or later. Due to watering timing and grow stage/ conditions, I prefer to do it together, at least for this round. Besides, I've been using organic and inorganic mixed from the start and its been pretty cool. I also always read about ppl saying that natural is best. Aren't both organic and inorganic stuff mixed in nature? This is just my own silly thought process and probably only works for silly old me. But all seems to be good. Tbh, i was expecting a tiny bit of burnt tips (Especially on the PE cos journals i read say they don't like too much N) but nothing so far. Might happen later so keep observing.

All seems normal and growing nicely. A little worried about space now. Gonna let them grow upwards from now. Lights are definitely slightly below 40cm which may be around 15 inches. No light stress. Just lots of growth.

Last 2 pics is WW2. LSTed her just to keep height the same as others. I just want to see what she can do but she is surprising me every day.




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Very nice morning sun today. Felt compelled to take some pics. I move them daily for a few reasons. Firstly to get some morning sun. I like to think that whatever nasties that was with them throughout the night deserves to be fried with a couple hours of UV rays. My humidity is so high that i started worrying about molds from germination. So this is something i just cant stop doing.

Secondly, I get to feel the weight of each pot to see how light they are from yesterday. But I only feel, never weighed. This helps with watering. I even move them out and line them up according to weight of pots when watering.The physical activity is also welcomed. Moving 6 pots in and out sometimes twice a day (If i feed during evening) and checking/tucking each one gives me a decent warm up imo. The stairs will punish you if you forget stuff. Some days, its all the physical activity i need. My back is actually feeling better than before.

Also, I believe this toughens them up more. In 32 days, I would be lying if I said I never dropped them too hard, squeezed some soil, kicked/ tripped on them etc. So I'd like to think that me and the plants are toughening up together!


Also some updates from yesterday's feed. Better do it now before i forget the details. Fed the girls worm tea but added 3ml/l of Ionic Grow + 1ml/l Fish & Seaweed Extract(2ml/l was added in the beginning of brew) + 1ml/l of CalMag. PH was high at 7..05 but my tap water is 8++ so it makes sense. I read somewhere that good teas should be around PH7 so did not do anything else. When I added these, they foamed even more.

I made the decision of adding nutes to the tea even though many says that mineral salts can kill microbes. This is my issue with this. I'll be using them nutes anyways and it will be in the soil sooner or later. Due to watering timing and grow stage/ conditions, I prefer to do it together, at least for this round. Besides, I've been using organic and inorganic mixed from the start and its been pretty cool. I also always read about ppl saying that natural is best. Aren't both organic and inorganic stuff mixed in nature? This is just my own silly thought process and probably only works for silly old me. But all seems to be good. Tbh, i was expecting a tiny bit of burnt tips (Especially on the PE cos journals i read say they don't like too much N) but nothing so far. Might happen later so keep observing.

All seems normal and growing nicely. A little worried about space now. Gonna let them grow upwards from now. Lights are definitely slightly below 40cm which may be around 18 inches. No light stress. Just lots of growth.

Last 2 pics is WW2. LSTed her just to keep height the same as others. I just want to see what she can do but she is surprising me every day.




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Your plants are growing to vigorously and healthily man. Look at that canopy! Excellent work here, your careful and calculated efforts have paid off so far... keep it up! Positive energy!

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Your plants are growing to vigorously and healthily man. Look at that canopy! Excellent work here, your careful and calculated efforts have paid off so far... keep it up! Positive energy!

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You are too kind. I'm pretty happy at this point but the real challenges have yet to come imo. I can still very much screw everything up. Not even halfway there yet.

Given how I planned to start, things are going well for sure but its nothing compared to even some first time growers on AFN, let alone the intermediate and expert growers out there. But I do believe that a contented person is a happy person. So here's to happiness for us all!

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