New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

Does this mean I should gradually stop LST?

I plan to slightly increase and stabilise grow nutes till week 5 or so then switch to 20:80 Grow:Bloom for at least 1-2 feeds before going all bloom. Does this sound good?

They are 2 days from being in week 4. In other words, there should be two more grow nute feeds (incremental dosage). Then we should be in week 5. I will then do the 20:80 Grow:Bloom for 1-2 feeds, which should bring us to week 6, where I totally switch to Bloom nutes fully. Depending on their response, will also consider the bat guano, seabird guano and PK booster that I have sitting at home for our mini outdoor fruit plants.

Does this sound good?

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Switch to bloom nutes once the stretch has stopped . You can lst until the end of stretch.

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Day 28

Fed them 2.5ml/litre of Ionic Grow + 2.5ml/litre of Fish & Seaweed Extract + 0.5ml/litre Cal Mag + 1ml/litre Liquid Silicone to bring PH to a nice 6.2. Made 20 litres for 5 plants. Balance was given to the stunted WW2 who STILL has her pot wet after 12 days! She is the only one using a different brand of soil. Not gonna use that brand anymore or that pot!

My photo taking skills suck. They never turn out like what I see on the screen. These will have to do.

Begin with group pics...



Solo pics:



Biggest girl so far! New growths are a little pale. Hope the increased nutes will help darken her up a bit.


Survived a little hardship growing up but shes very stable now. Only plant i did not top or fim.

To be continued....

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PE 1

Close second or third largest girl! If I did not break a branch AND a main stem, she could do better....maybe? But all is fine and broken main stem has recovered except for a few leaves. I took some badly damaged leaves off after 2 days of recovery. Dont wanna waste energy on them

PE 2

One of the smaller ones. Only one not completely filling out the pot and beyond. But all is good. She is just taking her time.

WW 1

Strong contender for second largest plant. Been super cool the entire grow.

WW 2

The past 12 days have seen her grow tremendously. I think the COBs are the main reason for her recovering. The better lighting helped her utilize more water and did not end up drowning. I gave her a small amount of the feed today despite her top soil still moist. Its been 12 days. I just can't bear to not feed her.

This was her just 12 days ago

Will be happy to get one good main cola from her. Ohh...and i topped her today too!

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Your pics are fine, the off balanced random darker areas are from your grow lights, they muffle the picture lighting if the light is above.

Thanks for the kind words. But its mainly me being really bad with angles, focusing and all the photography techniques. Although all i use is my phone. As with everything else, hope to get better!

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