New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

Looks good so far when tying down I try to get the nodes as close to even as possible . By twisting the stem gently to get all the nodes level as they come up.
In this pic you can see if you zoom in.
See what I mean.

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Thank you so much. Will try it gently. Do you know any good videos showing this technique? Just wanna make sure i don't misunderstand you.

Edit: @islandgrower Its all good. I think i got it! Thanks....
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Did my official first feeding with nutes. Mixed 9 litres for 5 pots. Just nice to get them all damp and moist. Run off was all sucked back in. Used 1ml/litre of Ionic Grow + 1ml/litre Fish & Seaweed extract that also has an amino acids profile. Used liquid silicone 0.5ml/litre to get PH around 6.2-6.3.

Also foliar fed with 1ml mangrove wood vinegar + liquid silicone to get desired PH. The wood vinegar is mainly for pest control.

Tucked some leaves. Bended some bud sites to receive more light. Tried my best to make them even and/ or further apart to encourage even directional growth

Made a vinegar + sugar + dish soap solution and placed them near plants but on the floor. Lets see if we kill some gnats or flies? Tried lemongrass cubes yesterday but seems useless.

Gonna leave them alone for a while.
627CE5B6-F53E-4994-994C-54D507128E6D.jpeg 91B7668E-8B21-43EE-9C75-6B40EAEDCFBC.jpeg D03F77B6-EF9F-42B2-B8FE-76FCFF105A19.jpeg
Did my official first feeding with nutes. Mixed 9 litres for 5 pots. Just nice to get them all damp and moist. Run off was all sucked back in. Used 1ml/litre of Ionic Grow + 1ml/litre Fish & Seaweed extract that also has an amino acids profile. Used liquid silicone 0.5ml/litre to get PH around 6.2-6.3.

Also foliar fed with 1ml mangrove wood vinegar + liquid silicone to get desired PH. The wood vinegar is mainly for pest control.

Tucked some leaves. Bended some bud sites to receive more light. Tried my best to make them even and/ or further apart to encourage even directional growth

Made a vinegar + sugar + dish soap solution and placed them near plants but on the floor. Lets see if we kill some gnats or flies? Tried lemongrass cubes yesterday but seems useless.

Gonna leave them alone for a while.
View attachment 873118 View attachment 873119 View attachment 873120
Looking good bro . Coming along well. How many days are they now?

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Looking good bro . Coming along well. How many days are they now?

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Thanks....hope they stay this way. They were 17 days from breaking ground yesterday when i took the pics. They are 18 today.

Found out my vinegar solution did manage to kill some gnats.


But still too many of them every night. I do think they are attracted to the lights and do not really go to the plants. Will try setting 1-2 more bowls around the plants tonight.

I do believe that my biggest environmental challenges now are:

1. Bugs/ gnats

2. High temps. The girls barely get below 30C temps since they popped up but doing surprisingly well. But they are still vegging so it may be ok. But what about when flowering comes along?

3. Humidity. I'm worried about fungus/mold/bud rot etc related issues with high RH during flowering.

Gonna just try my best and see how it goes. I just hope to see the whole process from start to finish, so that i can improve. Anything else is a bonus. But that doesn't mean i wont be pushing some limits and trying out stuff. This is the whole point at the end of the day.

The issues i face is difficult to get info on. Most ppl grow indoors or outdoors. I'm doing a bit of both. And you don't get much if any info on growing autos in my climate- REAL Equatorial climate. I can control lighting to a certain extent but thats about it. Temps & humidity are outta my control cos they are oitdoors. Pests as well. I did add an oscilating fan today, an attempt to cool down temps and slightly (if any) reduce RH. Would like to see if it helps?

Lights are now pretty interesting. There are 3 lights with 2 bulbs each over the plants. I started at 100cm then 85cm then 55cm. The lights are about 6-8 inches apart from one another. I found that the light in the middle receives overlapping from the other 2 lights beside it. So the middle area has most light intensity. I noticed the middle plants are not as perky as the side ones. So i increased about 8cm for the middle lights. So far so good. Final height is 50cm for both lights on the side and 58 for the one in middle.

One question i noticed i did not get a reply since before i started planting. I don't expect to be touching my seed stash until this grow is done. Right now, they are just sitting in a drawer in their original packaging. How do I best store them? I have 2 dozen more seeds

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Thanks....hope they stay this way. They were 17 days from breaking ground yesterday when i took the pics. They are 18 today.

Found out my vinegar solution did manage to kill some gnats.


But still too many of them every night. I do think they are attracted to the lights and do not really go to the plants. Will try setting 1-2 more bowls around the plants tonight.

I do believe that my biggest environmental challenges now are:

1. Bugs/ gnats

2. High temps. The girls barely get below 30C temps since they popped up but doing surprisingly well. But they are still vegging so it may be ok. But what about when flowering comes along?

3. Humidity. I'm worried about fungus/mold/bud rot etc related issues with high RH during flowering.

Gonna just try my best and see how it goes. I just hope to see the whole process from start to finish, so that i can improve. Anything else is a bonus. But that doesn't mean i wont be pushing some limits and trying out stuff. This is the whole point at the end of the day.

The issues i face is difficult to get info on. Most ppl grow indoors or outdoors. I'm doing a bit of both. And you don't get much if any info on growing autos in my climate- REAL Equatorial climate. I can control lighting to a certain extent but thats about it. Temps & humidity are outta my control cos they are oitdoors. Pests as well. I did add an oscilating fan today, an attempt to cool down temps and slightly (if any) reduce RH. Would like to see if it helps?

Lights are now pretty interesting. There are 3 lights with 2 bulbs each over the plants. I started at 100cm then 85cm then 55cm. The lights are about 6-8 inches apart from one another. I found that the light in the middle receives overlapping from the other 2 lights beside it. So the middle area has most light intensity. I noticed the middle plants are not as perky as the side ones. So i increased about 8cm for the middle lights. So far so good. Final height is 50cm for both lights on the side and 58 for the one in middle.

One question i noticed i did not get a reply since before i started planting. I don't expect to be touching my seed stash until this grow is done. Right now, they are just sitting in a drawer in their original packaging. How do I best store them? I have 2 dozen more seeds

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I store mine i the refrigerator in the butter compartment.

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I've accepted the fact that she probably would not amount to anything. An experienced grower might cull her to make way for others. I just can't do it. Will let her live it out and try to surprise me. Also a good reminder on what not to do next time.

Anyone knows what the purplish color means on the leaves?

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I've accepted the fact that she probably would not amount to anything. An experienced grower might cull her to make way for others. I just can't do it. Will let her live it out and try to surprise me. Also a good reminder on what not to do next time.

Anyone knows what the purplish color means on the leaves?

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On the leaves may be genetic . I let all my plants grow until they can grow no more.

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Update @ Day 22

Been doing lots of LST these past 5 days. Starting to feel that I'm going too far. Promised myself to let them stretch and stop messing with them.

Ohh...and I broke a branch 2 days back and only noticed it the next day. No stress at all and growing very well. I realize i may just be lucky. Will exercise more caution moving on.


They are due for watering tomorrow morning. Will up the dosage a little cos they have really grown.

Pics from Day 18 to 22











So thats about it. Made some mistakes with the LST but not much harm done. Only taught me more and what not to do next time.


Ok....last touch up, promise!

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Update @ Day 22

Been doing lots of LST these past 5 days. Starting to feel that I'm going too far. Promised myself to let them stretch and stop messing with them.

Ohh...and I broke a branch 2 days back and only noticed it the next day. No stress at all and growing very well. I realize i may just be lucky. Will exercise more caution moving on.


They are due for watering tomorrow morning. Will up the dosage a little cos they have really grown.

Pics from Day 18 to 22











So thats about it. Made some mistakes with the LST but not much harm done. Only taught me more and what not to do next time.


Ok....last touch up, promise!

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Looking good . Breaking branches is a part of it all. Once they survive they become stronger for it

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