New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

That wasn't horrible burn as you will be getting new growth. Be careful not to water too much, roots need to search to reach water. Also, cal mag isn't a cure for all deficiencies

Thanks bro...really appreciate it!

I asked about Cal Mag because most people seem to "need" it when using LEDs/COBs. Just wanted to make sure im using it right? Whether proactively or reactively? Its my first time using these lights so i thought id ask. I did not think it would cure all deficiencies

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Very light doses early for the cal mag. You are doing great. Something that was told to me once, we are the plants worst enemy. We can love and care for them too much. I'm guilty!

How high above the plants are the lights?

I'm way guilty too...LOL

I put the lights around 100cm for first 12 hours or so. It all looks excellent and the stunted one is even recovering! I'm amazed cos she has barely grown since day 5!

So i lowered it to 85cm and will keep observing.

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Part 2

Pics of the burn....
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I don't take the best pictures but they were hurt bad. This was the next morning when they had healed a little.

Pics of the plants in pairs early morning Day 15
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AAH 1&2

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PE 1&2

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The stunted WW2 and her healthy sister

I watered the stunted one till runoff as a desperate attempt to kickstart her back to life. Looks like gonna damp off anyways. I knew my lights would reach me later in the day so its a good chance to see if the new lights can work any miracles on her?

Came back home, got the lights unboxed and plugged in. Modified the rack to the way i imagined. And got everything done within an hour. Was happy with what I did. Some pics of the girls under their new lights! Wow...the lights are so bright its gonna damage my eyes for sure. Anyone knows what kinda glasses help?

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This setup protects from too strong winds, hopefully makes it cooler in the day and looks amazing on my balcony. For security purposes, not gonna reveal what i did except for its beautiful! Walked around my neighborhood twice to make sure all is cool. All good and perfect.

6 cobs drawing 380W from the meter. All 3500K. I know might be overkill but they are so affordable. If this light can last just half the lifespan of other lights, I'll keep buying them! Or just the chips cos apparently you don't need to solder anything to change them. Not very sure how it works and i hope i don't find out.

My soil spike light intensity meter drops from highest reading to the subsequent lower level at around 100cm. So i decided to start them at around this height so they can slowly grow into higher intensity. Most people recommend 36 inches which is around 90cm. So 100cm to start seems good. If they stretch badly, will consider lowering a wee bit more. We'll just have to see!

I was worried about too much light loss but the optical lens (I was told its the same quality as car headlights glass but higher angle) focuses the light very well. Much lesser light loss than i expected. I did not expect it to help this much. I only wanted them to protect from dust and the likes cos its the outdoors after all. After already seeing dust on the glass after a few hours, I'm glad i made the right call. Will definitely help with lifespan and performance of the lights.

Other than that, its very basic. No on off switch even but power supply is waterproof which i asked for. I did not want any complicated functions cos i believe that just makes it more prone to issues. So less functions, less problems. Don't want no dimming or veg/bloom switches or mixing lots of different LEDs together. Just want the wattage at a good efficiency cos that is all i can understand. If my soil spike rates the lights intensity 1-100cm the same as direct sunlight, I'm not complaining and just pray that they last. So far, running 7 hours cool and quiet.

Looks like i got to buy some PH Up?

I'll closely monitor soil dampness cos they are on new lights. But im not sure what or how to feed them next? If no advice, I'll just get ph up soonest and just mix nutes lightly to feed. Will go with the fish/seaweed and vermicompost tea.

@Dabber Do i need to use Cal Mag or only if deficiency shows?
I would use Cal Mag from start to like week 6 then should be ok this is what I do.

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OOPS I stop Cal Mag at week 6. One thing I've experienced with the fabric pot is somehow you need to raise it up so air get to the bottom see pic my pot is on a Pepsi crates a buddy had something about the air from underneath really helps with over watering.

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OOPS I stop Cal Mag at week 6. One thing I've experienced with the fabric pot is somehow you need to raise it up so air get to the bottom see pic my pot is on a Pepsi crates a buddy had something about the air from underneath really helps with over watering.

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I prefer to keep them shorter so just used a saucer. Besides, no overwatering at all on the fabric pots. They are all great! Its that one ceramic pot giving me problems. Almost no growth since like day 5 or earlier. Cotyledon leaves all bright yellow. Looks like damping off. I took a shot by watering till run off and put her on COBs. Guess what? In less than 24 hours, shes grown more than she did the last week. And leaves are turning green! By tomorrow, a picture would most likely show a huge difference. I look forward to that! And it would not have been even 48 hours!

Starting to understand why you love the autocobs. If my cheapo version works the way it does, your premium version should kick ass at another level!

Thanks for the Cal Mag tip sharing! Appreciate it very much!

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A new issue every morning....sigh...

My girl (AAH 2) got her leaves eaten by a beatle....very unlucky girl...
079CF252-EEDC-4D8C-BF99-70FC7814ADBD.jpeg 604EF774-A39F-4997-83CA-242860F9EED2.jpeg
I thought the beatle left but i found it under the leave. Sprayed it but it was resilient, holding on tightly to the leaf. Died in the end though.

As promised, the almost damping off WW2 in about 40 hours on the cobs.
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Nothing done but a watering with run off and cob lights.

I also did LST on the other 5 plants. Not a stellar job for for a first timer, I'm pretty satisfied with not killing anything though. Pics below...
99F78BEE-85EC-488B-B357-A85DE0B382CA.jpeg 9AB80DE4-BC15-48C3-B632-B997551B3CA5.jpeg 45A85F14-C6C4-43E3-A1A2-3B52FD25C366.jpeg BE42CAA2-4F58-474A-8326-CCF8A1105F89.jpeg E59145FA-DA38-43C4-8C7F-82A5B0FD0D90.jpeg 62A36DA4-559D-4161-A023-0FAE44D52EAE.jpeg 13E41303-3E5A-4940-B9CD-424C120DDAF4.jpeg 49EAB1E6-41E0-4F81-AA94-3FF692FD546C.jpeg
The last pic with red ties was once and done cos shes little and easier to bend. The others are larger so went easy first round to get the positioning right. After 10mins, i tightened it a little more. I did screw up one plant and had to redo. Stressed her more than others. Pics below...
51334F42-38B1-4A14-AC13-2073F17A9AFB.jpeg BF521C6F-579D-4A0C-A1D1-E5CD7068F8DE.jpeg

If you guys see anything wrong, please let me know! Thank you all so much!
A new issue every morning....sigh...

My girl (AAH 2) got her leaves eaten by a beatle....very unlucky girl...
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I thought the beatle left but i found it under the leave. Sprayed it but it was resilient, holding on tightly to the leaf. Died in the end though.

As promised, the almost damping off WW2 in about 40 hours on the cobs.
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Nothing done but a watering with run off and cob lights.

I also did LST on the other 5 plants. Not a stellar job for for a first timer, I'm pretty satisfied with not killing anything though. Pics below...
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The last pic with red ties was once and done cos shes little and easier to bend. The others are larger so went easy first round to get the positioning right. After 10mins, i tightened it a little more. I did screw up one plant and had to redo. Stressed her more than others. Pics below...
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If you guys see anything wrong, please let me know! Thank you all so much!
Looks good so far when tying down I try to get the nodes as close to even as possible . By twisting the stem gently to get all the nodes level as they come up.
In this pic you can see if you zoom in.
See what I mean.

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