New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!

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WW 1 acting up again! What does this mean though? Lower leaves pointing up but upper leaves drooping. It has small but thick leaves. I'm thinking soil too hot and ceramic pot causing too damp soil?

The ONLY other one drooping - AAH 2. Seems like its always these 2 giving issues.

Others are all pointing up happily. Under fluorescent lights 48 hours straight though. You think maybe they miss the sun?

And the tip burn earlier has not progressed further so at least some good news.

Hope for some opinions...
Quick question. I drink Chinese tea every day. Are the remaining leaves of any use? Some teas are green tea types(not much oxidation) some are dark red/black type. I throw quite a bit out each day.

Was looking at them and thinking if the plants could use them? If yes, then how?

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Can't get a break! Something bit a little of my plant.

Been noticing bugs cos its cool and humid at night. Sprayed neem and potassium oleate. Even foliar with wood vinegar. Yesterday night, even top dressed mid part with extra perlite.

Poor had just started to bounce back!
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Checked all plants and around. Will spray neem oil all over area just to be sure.

Any other tips?
Can't get a break! Something bit a little of my plant.

Been noticing bugs cos its cool and humid at night. Sprayed neem and potassium oleate. Even foliar with wood vinegar. Yesterday night, even top dressed mid part with extra perlite.

Poor had just started to bounce back!
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Checked all plants and around. Will spray neem oil all over area just to be sure.

Any other tips?
Don't worry . Won't affect a thing . Just a small nibble at most lol. I had a bagseed seedling outdoors and I think a rat dug it up . So dont stress the small stuff

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Don't worry . Won't affect a thing . Just a small nibble at most lol. I had a bagseed seedling outdoors and I think a rat dug it up . So dont stress the small stuff

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

I feel its fine too. Just wanna make sure I did the right things to avoid progression.

Next update will hopefully be with the new COB lights! I'm excited bout them as my journey to procure them was really interesting. Learnt a lot too!

Really wish to thank @BigSm0 although we've not interacted. His posts and explanation on the lights are very enlightening. Just so many good peeps here on thankful!

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I feel its fine too. Just wanna make sure I did the right things to avoid progression.

Next update will hopefully be with the new COB lights! I'm excited bout them as my journey to procure them was really interesting. Learnt a lot too!

Really wish to thank @BigSm0 although we've not interacted. His posts and explanation on the lights are very enlightening. Just so many good peeps here on thankful!

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Well hopefully now is a good time to say hello than. As you have recently noticed Afn is a special place filled with special and very helpful people. I do what I can to pick up the lighting questions or assistance when I can. Happy it helped, if you are working on a diy and need anything please let me know.