New Grower First Time Auto Growing Need Help!



Morning of Day 23

Fed them 1.75ml/ litre of Ionic Grow + 1.5ml/ litre of Fish & Seaweed Extract + 1ml/ litre Cal Mag + 0.5ml/ litre of liquid Silicone to bring PH to 6.2. Made 16 litres for 5 pots. More than 1/3 extra watering quantity from last feed. Last feed, I did not do full runoff. Less than 2 litres per pot. Any runoff was quickly sucked back in.

This time, I made sure there are run off after a while and poured the excess away. So its their first feeding with decent runoff.


Putting them back on lights after a bit. Our sunlight is not to be messed with. Even morning sunlight!

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Morning of Day 23

Fed them 1.75ml/ litre of Ionic Grow + 1.5ml/ litre of Fish & Seaweed Extract + 1ml/ litre Cal Mag + 0.5ml/ litre of liquid Silicone to bring PH to 6.2. Made 16 litres for 5 pots. More than 1/3 extra watering quantity from last feed. Last feed, I did not do full runoff. Less than 2 litres per pot. Any runoff was quickly sucked back in.

This time, I made sure there are run off after a while and poured the excess away. So its their first feeding with decent runoff.


Putting them back on lights after a bit. Our sunlight is not to be messed with. Even morning sunlight!

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They look good, so far I've been starting lst once 3-4 modes are developed. Ima try no lst until after stretch (preflower-mid flower). So far my lst off the get go makes sense to me if you really want that bushy plant or to keep them short. Have fun with it. The pics are before and after within 24 hours :) i bent the apical bud onto itself lol

They look good, so far I've been starting lst once 3-4 modes are developed. Ima try no lst until after stretch (preflower-mid flower). So far my lst off the get go makes sense to me if you really want that bushy plant or to keep them short. Have fun with it. The pics are before and after within 24 hours :) i bent the apical bud onto itself lol


Exactly bro!

I love how free your plant looks. I'm just going with the flow here cos I have no idea what to expect, except for the obvious, since I'm a newb. I read that defoliation can hurt plants but with mixed opinions. Also mixed reactions regarding when to defo and how. This makes it all the more confusing.

Your plant looks defoliated quite heavily and looks very healthy. Thats why I'm very interested to know your method. I fully understand that i can mess it up or backfire at me and it'll be totally on me.

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Exactly bro!

I love how free your plant looks. I'm just going with the flow here cos I have no idea what to expect, except for the obvious, since I'm a newb. I read that defoliation can hurt plants but with mixed opinions. Also mixed reactions regarding when to defo and how. This makes it all the more confusing.

Your plant looks defoliated quite heavily and looks very healthy. Thats why I'm very interested to know your method. I fully understand that i can mess it up or backfire at me and it'll be totally on me.

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I can see both stand points on defoliating, there definantly is a fine line a mid-max ratio persay. its a wonderful learning opportunity for sure! From my observation and research it's hard to generalize due strain personalities/adaptations. There are general guildelines you can use for reference, I've watched countless videos and read so many treads on afn...

It helps that I have a local growing buddy, we bounce ideas off each other. @jelly0 here has caught so many mistakes I've made lol...

I find that these practices yielded the best results for me. If I learn of better methods I'll let ya know buddie! :pass:

*1st defoliation - after the plant shows sex and is about to enter preflower (multiple pistels start to develop on tops early signs of stretching)
*2nd defoliation (optional) - full flowering stage 4 weeks before flushing (I factor depth and spacing of bud sites, I remove obvious popcorn sites that get no light.
*defoliating starting from top to bottom - count from top of budsite down, anuthing below 3rd note is free game
*defoliating starting from bottom to top - any leaves that sag and are able to touch the medium and obvious popcorn bud sites that get zero light are free game.
*I defoliate in waves - i don't defoli all at once with autos, I think it's to much stress. For photos on the other hand, I do it all at once.
I can see both stand points on defoliating, there definantly is a fine line a mid-max ratio persay. its a wonderful learning opportunity for sure! From my observation and research it's hard to generalize due strain personalities/adaptations. There are general guildelines you can use for reference, I've watched countless videos and read so many treads on afn...

It helps that I have a local growing buddy, we bounce ideas off each other. @jelly0 here has caught so many mistakes I've made lol...

I find that these practices yielded the best results for me. If I learn of better methods I'll let ya know buddie! :pass:

*1st defoliation - after the plant shows sex and is about to enter preflower (multiple pistels start to develop on tops early signs of stretching)
*2nd defoliation (optional) - full flowering stage 4 weeks before flushing (I factor depth and spacing of bud sites, I remove obvious popcorn sites that get no light.
*defoliating starting from top to bottom - count from top of budsite down, anuthing below 3rd note is free game
*defoliating starting from bottom to top - any leaves that sag and are able to touch the medium and obvious popcorn bud sites that get zero light are free game.
*I defoliate in waves - i don't defoli all at once with autos, I think it's to much stress. For photos on the other hand, I do it all at once.

Great tips and concise too! Very much appreciated and thank you so much for stopping by. Thanks

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5 plants worth of leaves. Did some defoliation cos I’m starting to get lost with the plants. Can’t see anything and everything is twisted here and there. My excessive tucking every 8 hours or so is not helping with the mess. But bud sites are popping like crazy. Note to self. Only top next time. Do not FIM.

The biggest plant branches quickly allowing me to spread her better. Surprisingly, this allowed me to take the least number of leaves from her.


I broke a main stem after just 3 days! And on the SAME plant! This time, it’s the main cola!(or the biggest one. Fimmed and LSTed. Can’t be sure).

First time seeing real stress from the plant. But other parts seem unaffected. Don’t have any tape except for normal clear tape. Tried taping up but could not hold it. I just left it like that. The last time, I did not even tape. Hopefully she will bounce back but I’m not very optimistic. Might lose that entire arm. A topping with diminished returns is what I’d call it cos it sounds much better.

Again, chalking it all up to experience! Still waiting to see if anyone can tell me if what I posted before are pistils?

Question: If I stop LST now and just leave them alone, is that ok? What can I expect? They are day 25. Pics below


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Are these pistils? If they are, it’s only day 24. Is this normal?

Anything I should take note of in terms of feeding/ training?

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Right on point . Usually between day 21 to 35 depending on strain and conditions.

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Right on point . Usually between day 21 to 35 depending on strain and conditions.

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Does this mean I should gradually stop LST?

I plan to slightly increase and stabilise grow nutes till week 5 or so then switch to 20:80 Grow:Bloom for at least 1-2 feeds before going all bloom. Does this sound good?

They are 2 days from being in week 4. In other words, there should be two more grow nute feeds (incremental dosage). Then we should be in week 5. I will then do the 20:80 Grow:Bloom for 1-2 feeds, which should bring us to week 6, where I totally switch to Bloom nutes fully. Depending on their response, will also consider the bat guano, seabird guano and PK booster that I have sitting at home for our mini outdoor fruit plants.

Does this sound good?

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