New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

Very nice bro some bom pics there for sure very frosty aswell looking awsome ure going to smash that target bro those nugs are swelling great
Very nice bro some bom pics there for sure very frosty aswell looking awsome ure going to smash that target bro those nugs are swelling great
thanks brotha! i wish i had my moms phone when they are closer to being done because then i might have a chance at BOM having a good camera phone.. mine is TERRIBLE...i still gotta get some pics of the AK and Blue Treacle... gotta charge the phone... i hope i get a decent yeild man.. im pretty sure my AK will be the biggest yielder
thanks brotha! i wish i had my moms phone when they are closer to being done because then i might have a chance at BOM having a good camera phone.. mine is TERRIBLE...i still gotta get some pics of the AK and Blue Treacle... gotta charge the phone... i hope i get a decent yeild man.. im pretty sure my AK will be the biggest yielder
Yeah those were great pics what type phone was it bro. Yeah I'm pretty sure ull hit a very good yeild
Yeah those were great pics what type phone was it bro. Yeah I'm pretty sure ull hit a very good yeild
it was a galaxy s4.. im terrible at guessing yields man but i can tell you them main stem buds on all ove em but the LSD are hard as rocks! i could proly bruise someone if i hit em hard enough haha:pighug:
it was a galaxy s4.. im terrible at guessing yields man but i can tell you them main stem buds on all ove em but the LSD are hard as rocks! i could proly bruise someone if i hit em hard enough haha:pighug:
Great nice and dense I'm comparison to other plants iv done and ure easy 2-3 oz a plant bro defo 2 anyway
Great nice and dense I'm comparison to other plants iv done and ure easy 2-3 oz a plant bro defo 2 anyway
i was thinking 2 on that AK and Blue.. WCOG maybe 1.25oz and the lsd maybe an oz.. but since they are so dense i maybe shorting myself... i think the AK MAY get to 2.25
thanks brotha! i wish i had my moms phone when they are closer to being done because then i might have a chance at BOM having a good camera phone.. mine is TERRIBLE...i still gotta get some pics of the AK and Blue Treacle... gotta charge the phone... i hope i get a decent yeild man.. im pretty sure my AK will be the biggest yielder
I don't know the rules on the BOM, but there is also POM, and those things are beautiful man. If a unfinished plant can be nominated for POM, then I seriously think you have a chance. I want to nominate you! You've got some great pics there man. :d5: