New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

I don't. I'm not too fond of the idea of posting too much. a few thing here and there are ok, but the specifics of where when, how, etc, i would rather keep private. It is still illegal here and i have a little one to look after. I wish I could share with you all, its tough to keep it all bottled up sometimes lol.
i know what you mean brotha... keep on rockin them girls tho!
I don't. I'm not too fond of the idea of posting too much. a few thing here and there are ok, but the specifics of where when, how, etc, i would rather keep private. It is still illegal here and i have a little one to look after. I wish I could share with you all, its tough to keep it all bottled up sometimes lol.
That's what I hate about these pathetic outdated laws it makes criminal out of decent people one day very soon it'll be legal everywhere as they no longer can contain the vast amount of information because of the great world Web peice brother and hopefully one day soon
That's what I hate about these pathetic outdated laws it makes criminal out of decent people one day very soon it'll be legal everywhere as they no longer can contain the vast amount of information because of the great world Web peice brother and hopefully one day soon

yes, one day soon i hope. it has just been passed for medical here last month. the bill does not include flower, or home grows, so I am still an outlaw keeping my wife illegally alive instead of allowing her to be legally dead... but one day this gift from the gods will be liberated from the persecution of man.
yes, one day soon i hope. it has just been passed for medical here last month. the bill does not include flower, or home grows, so I am still an outlaw keeping my wife illegally alive instead of allowing her to be legally dead... but one day this gift from the gods will be liberated from the persecution of man.
Exactly a gift from God it's unbelevible How these greedy political cunts can see a young child with severe epilepsy being cured by cbd oil and refuse it for big business were the empathy for mankind atleast it's a start for medical use I just pray that helps us growers in time soz to here about ure lovely wife it seems alot of people are doing it for to help a love one medically peice
Exactly a gift from God it's unbelevible How these greedy political cunts can see a young child with severe epilepsy being cured by cbd oil and refuse it for big business were the empathy for mankind atleast it's a start for medical use I just pray that helps us growers in time soz to here about ure lovely wife it seems alot of people are doing it for to help a love one medically peice
funny this gets brought up because im looking for a nice strain for my grandmother as we speak for her nerve pain and arthritis... like you said bailey its a damn shame...
funny this gets brought up because im looking for a nice strain for my grandmother as we speak for her nerve pain and arthritis... like you said bailey its a damn shame...
I'm so passionate about this magical gift from God being legalised around the world for they very reasons for ure grant bro I'd go for a nice blue cheese as it's great for pain relief as it's a heavy indica how will she use her medicine bro
I'm so passionate about this magical gift from God being legalised around the world for they very reasons for ure grant bro I'd go for a nice blue cheese as it's great for pain relief as it's a heavy indica how will she use her medicine bro
well luckily i should have some Blue cheese in the mail any day now from dinafem... maybe their CBD auto would be good also @Fuggzy ?? she has taken a cpl hits with me from time to time and enjoyed it.. but since her having lung cancer in 2002 i would want her to vaporize it or maybe Low Dose edibles but I have never made edibles before
well luckily i should have some Blue cheese in the mail any day now from dinafem... maybe their CBD auto would be good also @Fuggzy ?? she has taken a cpl hits with me from time to time and enjoyed it.. but since her having lung cancer in 2002 i would want her to vaporize it or maybe Low Dose edibles but I have never made edibles before
Yeah there cbd strains wouldwork great for her medicine needs I should also be receiving a few Dinafem seeds any day now great customer service from a great guy Dinafem mark
I would try butter for her. I have not made it but it seems like a good place to start. Spread some on toast!