New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

@Fuggzy @tripaholic88 Man my pistils didn't start turning orange until after the calyxes were starting to swell. I had some on top of Riley's main cola in the dead center that turned orange quite early, but even those were after some calyx swelling. I really feel like Riley is ready for harvest now, but it's finals week and I'm guessing another week of growth won't hurt her!

@Fuggzy 2 grams! wow! Thanks for making me feel better about my minuscule rhinos haha! I'd let that girl keep going and see if she starts to swell!
@tripaholic88 about the lockout, I have read that soil gets more and more acidic as the grow continues so the pH of your water should be raised slightly as the grow goes on. I was ping at 7 the whole way with my gals and last week I started pHing to 7 then adding just a tiny squirt of pH up and not retesting. The tiny addition maybe brings it to 7.1 or 7.2 just to be safe. Haven't had any lockout problems, just my own overfeeding/underfeeding fuck ups.
@tripaholic88 about the lockout, I have read that soil gets more and more acidic as the grow continues so the pH of your water should be raised slightly as the grow goes on. I was ping at 7 the whole way with my gals and last week I started pHing to 7 then adding just a tiny squirt of pH up and not retesting. The tiny addition maybe brings it to 7.1 or 7.2 just to be safe. Haven't had any lockout problems, just my own overfeeding/underfeeding fuck ups.
Coco needs to be treated a bit differently than soil bud. From what I know, it already has a higher pH, and requires a lower Ph'd feed. I may be wrong though.

Yeah 2 grams may be cutting it short, but it wont be much... The lady went through hell while I was going through hell, and to be honest I'm surprised she didn't die. I'm not even sure how old she is. Shes pretty though. Topped, and flattened out.
@tripaholic88 about the lockout, I have read that soil gets more and more acidic as the grow continues so the pH of your water should be raised slightly as the grow goes on. I was ping at 7 the whole way with my gals and last week I started pHing to 7 then adding just a tiny squirt of pH up and not retesting. The tiny addition maybe brings it to 7.1 or 7.2 just to be safe. Haven't had any lockout problems, just my own overfeeding/underfeeding fuck ups.
yea i read to feed higher in flowering i guess i wasnt PHing high enough( i was doing 6.4) another lesson learned...and thanks for the info on how you do it i will try it when i do a soil grow next time for sure! BUT COCO IS IN MY FUTURE!!! and the bubba kush is already 1" taller at day 15 than these girls were at day 17-18 so so far so good...

Coco needs to be treated a bit differently than soil bud. From what I know, it already has a higher pH, and requires a lower Ph'd feed. I may be wrong though.

Yeah 2 grams may be cutting it short, but it wont be much... The lady went through hell while I was going through hell, and to be honest I'm surprised she didn't die. I'm not even sure how old she is. Shes pretty though. Topped, and flattened out.
nah fuggz your just confused... here take this, it'll help:pass:
my bubba is the only one in coco at the moment the ones that suffered the lockout (fastbuds) are soil.... Feel better now?:d5:
and she is an interresting plant with no side branching but yea she needs to get FAT fuggz! give her a big mac!:eyebrows:
@Fuggzy @tripaholic88 it is hard to keep up with all these journals! Now that I have 2 and y'all have a few lol I spend most of my time just keeping up with the three of us!

@Fuggzy no problemo man I knew he wasn't talking about coco or else I wouldn't have said shit because I don't know anything about coconut except that I could probably kill a man with the 11 pound brick I have sitting by my grow room haha! @tripaholic88 that bubba looks gorgeous, I'll be following your coco grow to learn as much as I can before I embark!

@Fuggzy you let that girl fatten up! I bet she gives you 4 grams! I know you are more experienced so you could have done a lot more with her, but in my book a harvest is a harvest!...or at least that's what I'm telling myself when I look at these little Rhinos lol.
It must be the ISO fumes fucking with my head..... I'm just going to take my smart ass on to some fresh air, lol. So yeah @Herbisaur I'm a goof, and stand corrected. @tripaholic88 we both have enough journals, they all just kinda meld together.:thumbsup:
i was thinking the same thing about all the threads when i read your first comment.. i cant even fit my new one in my sig...:pighug:

@Fuggzy @tripaholic88 it is hard to keep up with all these journals! Now that I have 2 and y'all have a few lol I spend most of my time just keeping up with the three of us!

@Fuggzy no problemo man I knew he wasn't talking about coco or else I wouldn't have said shit because I don't know anything about coconut except that I could probably kill a man with the 11 pound brick I have sitting by my grow room haha! @tripaholic88 that bubba looks gorgeous, I'll be following your coco grow to learn as much as I can before I embark!

@Fuggzy you let that girl fatten up! I bet she gives you 4 grams! I know you are more experienced so you could have done a lot more with her, but in my book a harvest is a harvest!...or at least that's what I'm telling myself when I look at these little Rhinos lol.
that shit about the 11lb brick had me literally laugh out loud!
DAY 49
Well guys its been an interesting week... i just realized last night that when i lowered the LED's a little that they slowed down drinking which i ddnt think much about it the first day but the second i started wondering hat was going on so this morning it was like a light went on in my head and i realized it was because i lowered the lights and it must of shut down photosynthesis in the plants... so im behind 2-3 days I have the worst luck with trying to push these girls with the LED's.. o well there is 50 pics so its gonna be a long one so grab your pipe,bong,joint,blunt or vape and lets get to this update AFN!!!:bong:

OG Main.jpg
OG Main2.jpg

I think Shes eating her first leaf
OG leaf.jpg