New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

@tripaholic88 if your buddy @Sr00m3c8zy wants organic and simple he should give the kind soil a try easy set up and feed them distilled water the whole grow.. Or get the water from the water dispenser at the grocery store and add some organic cal mag and organic PH up to 6.5 and no nutrients would be a great easy set up for a new grower.
that little compairson you have def shows how nice that soil is!
I couldnt do the unorganized nutes any longer so i went out to wally world and got this little shelf for $18 :eyebrows: not bad not bad at all! very sturdy :thumbsup:
@tripaholic88 I love the tapestry dude!
thank you fuggz! the old lady walked past and seen a shop that has stuff like this and stopped in because she knows i like this type of stuff and surprised me with it! its like 7 ft tall man!:eyebrows:
yea @Fuggzy i get lazy and just copy and paste to my other journals SOMETIMES lol there wasnt much to tak about so i kept it lazy haha
Bud I totally understand. I'm just baked, and thought I clicked the same thread 3 times.:crying: It wasn't till I scrolled up and checked the title to see what you did, haha.