New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

more pics @FastBuds i don't see the "stem" that's associated with male pollen sacs so i think we are in the clear and just have a hollow calyx as The Elvis said . would you guys recommend taking off the very first set of branches since as you can see they really haven't grown and let her put the energy into the other higher up side branches? i will have 2 Mars Hydro reflector 96x5w LED's on full blast next week when it arrives unless you think i should wait ???:)
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Nice ponytailing bro
thank you @Bailey i have been doing the AK every day for like 5-8 hrs hours and figured id give all the girls a little attention for a little bit and see how they respond... i guess this little "ordeal" just gave me an excuse to get a bunch of pics on here for yall! :smokeout:
as this being my first grow i think they are doing OK they could be better but hey ya live and ya learn! but over all i got :vibes: about this with the quality genitcs from @FastBuds im pretty sure i cant hurt them too much with my overfeeding in the beginning :weed::weed::weed:
thank you @Bailey i have been doing the AK every day for like 5-8 hrs hours and figured id give all the girls a little attention for a little bit and see how they respond... i guess this little "ordeal" just gave me an excuse to get a bunch of pics on here for yall! :smokeout:
as this being my first grow i think they are doing OK they could be better but hey ya live and ya learn! but over all i got :vibes: about this with the quality genitcs from @FastBuds im pretty sure i cant hurt them too much with my overfeeding in the beginning :weed::weed::weed:
Trip u really remember me of myself always second quessing ureself I think ure girls are looking great and for a first grow you are doing awsome you really are iv seen alot of people start a first grow with half the knowledge you have you should be proud of ureself bro
Trip u really remember me of myself always second quessing ureself I think ure girls are looking great and for a first grow you are doing awsome you really are iv seen alot of people start a first grow with half the knowledge you have you should be proud of ureself bro
yea its hard for me to make up my mind... when i do my hobbies i try and put everything i literally have into them and it hasnt really done me wrong yet... i pulled about 9.25 oz on my first mycology experiment/hobby and was very pleased. and im happy with the overall grow so far i really am but it hard to be completely serene when i see nute burns on my girls :( i dont mean to sound negative i just am the type of guy who likes to hope for the best but prepare for the worst ya know? but thank you for the kind words my friend you have def helped me in more ways than you know...
yea its hard for me to make up my mind... when i do my hobbies i try and put everything i literally have into them and it hasnt really done me wrong yet... i pulled about 9.25 oz on my first mycology experiment/hobby and was very pleased. and im happy with the overall grow so far i really am but it hard to be completely serene when i see nute burns on my girls :( i dont mean to sound negative i just am the type of guy who likes to hope for the best but prepare for the worst ya know? but thank you for the kind words my friend you have def helped me in more ways than you know...
Thanks I really appreciate that u have also helped me in certain ways
How close are those lights to the plants?
Their looking awesome! They'll stretch. Just give um a min.
How close are those lights to the plants?
they are currently at about 15.5" and seem to like it :)
Their looking awesome! They'll stretch. Just give um a min.
yea im moving on thurs(its only like 10 min away) so it hard to judge right how how big they will be by then but im sure it will be a stressfull drive for me not the girls haha
Hi family,
Thanks @tripaholic88 ! it's a pleasure to see your progress :D

Well, about her balls xD , here our crew can't see anything strange... She seems to be fine!
Although, if you could share some nice pics (like the last one ;) ) of the whole plant, we could see whether she's ill or has any problem.
Do you agree @The Elvis & @Bailey?
o yea no problem i wanted to do a nice, as detailed grow log i could for your guys(i also have a log in your companys forum just so its only fastbuds in the updates) and i look forward to my first badges being a fastbuds grow and review badge(if they are 2 diff. badges that is) and would absolutely LOVE to grow and try some of your companys other strains! #FastBuds4Life
#FastBudsOnlyZone maybe???:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows: