@tripaholic88 looking good man! Glad to see you have some short girls because mine are hella short lol! My LSD is 5.75" tall (the tallest) and my Rhino's are 4-5". Just raised my lights to hopefully get some stretch. Anyway, your girls look nice and healthy! I am constantly looking at other journals to see if what I'm doing looks right and I think you and I are pretty on par with elsamurai's first lsd grow as far as growth rate is concerned. Actually in regards to true leaf sets mine at day 21 look like his at day 24, but he has more stretch it looks like. On his journal it looks like they really hit a stretch around day 32, so that's what I am hoping for. @hb5_darthkush also said they usually take off on days 35-45 so we shall see!