Outdoor First outdoor grow with Dutch passion autos

looks like you have things well under control. As @912GreenSkell suggested, I'd add a whack of perlite, maybe some worm castings. I'd also go down 60cm or more.

Expect to beat the hell out of 60g/plant. Looking forward to the show


So it's better that hole is deeper than wider? You did any side by side test maybe?
@912GreenSkell recommended me wider hole is better.

Also when growing indoors, 10-30L pots are usually around 30-35cm high.
So it's better that hole is deeper than wider? You did any side by side test maybe?
@912GreenSkell recommended me wider hole is better.

Also when growing indoors, 10-30L pots are usually around 30-35cm high.

I personally like wider than deeper for a few reasons.

1 Wide shallow base roots travel more easily than through deeper compacted soil. The nature of the beast is the deeper you go, the more compacted the soil is, and the harder it is for roots to freely penetrate.
2 Soil is naturally warmer near the surface(which is good in a cool climate like my own, but for you with extreme heat being general, a deeper hole would be more beneficial)

The "best" way to do things is often varied, depending on your climate challenges. If extreme heat is a normal thing, then in your case deeper is actually the better way to go.
So it's better that hole is deeper than wider? You did any side by side test maybe?
@912GreenSkell recommended me wider hole is better.

Also when growing indoors, 10-30L pots are usually around 30-35cm high.

@912GreenSkell and I talked about this last year too if I recall. My understanding is that it depends on the plant. Indica heavy likes to drive roots down, sativas more shallow and spread. Genetic dependant. I didn't do a side by side, but the 5gal DP's I did matured sooner and yielded less than the in ground one I had.
@912GreenSkell and I talked about this last year too if I recall. My understanding is that it depends on the plant. Indica heavy likes to drive roots down, sativas more shallow and spread. Genetic dependant. I didn't do a side by side, but the 5gal DP's I did matured sooner and yielded less than the in ground one I had.

Quite a lot to do with climate which method is better...in a cool environment, shallower is the way to go....but in a hot desert type climate, deeper would be better to get away from potential root cooking, and better moisture holding ability in the deeper compacted soil.