Outdoor First outdoor grow with Dutch passion autos

It is a sound goal...and shit man, if I can do it so can you!! I pulled 100 grams off an auto ultimate that lived in less than 6 hours of direct sun at best. You got it bud!!
Seconded... I got QP from think different same conditions... but I’d definitely look into skelly’s tutorials if I were you, shit I do it anyway...
Rain guard will be key when your budding
Thank you all for your words and comments, and thank you for following this one! Please discuss if you want, we are here to learn.

I think those are things to watch:
- temperature under direct sun (which can be higher than 50°C)
- NPK tabs - I think they don't offer the same yield as "feeding with synthetic nutes every 1-2 days", but health will be there I think
- rain days, which can make trouble in late flowering
- snails, bugs, caterpillars etc.

Other than that, I think I prepared myself pretty okay, your words confirm that.

So... stay in, comment and follow! :bighug:
- NPK tabs - I think they don't offer the same yield as "feeding with synthetic nutes every 1-2 days", but health will be there I think

I think you'll be fine.
no matter if it's dissolved in liquid or it's a tab, it's still NPK. as long as there's enough of that the plant should have no deffciciencies.
(field) farmers also never use liquid fertilizer(well, cow-slurry is kind of liquid, but not synthetic), they also just spread pellets.

btw, about rain, my experience is the problem isn't rain, it's the air humidity(which is caused by the rain, but IMO shielding the plants from rain doesn't matter if they're still standing in that same humid air, a tarp over it is just going to decrease air movement, which could make it worse).
with autofloewers, if you plant early enough, you shpuld be able to finish during summer, and budrot shouldn't really be an issue.
here(the netherlands) the budrotproblems usually start somewhere end august/beginning of september, then it's often drizzle-raning and humidity is high almost constantly.
there's also a big genetic factor though, some strains are just more resistant than others(part of it is bud structure, but not everything. last year I had one plant with decently thick/dense buds, that was late and was eventually harvested in november, it withstood weeks of non-stop drizzlerain and still it didn't have a single speck of budrot). from what I've heard, most autoflowers tend to be pretty sensitive to budrot. but, since you can just finish them before the budrotseason starts, you can still get a rot-free harvest.
So, this will be my first outdoor grow ever. I will use NPK tabs to keep things simple and plant into the ground. I have 50L Plagron lightmix which I will use for 6 plants. I also added some dolomite lime to soil, just because I have it on hand. So nothing else, only water from now on. I don't know if I must pH water or not?

Native soil is silt loam (if I translated correctly) with pH around 7, with 5-10% of carbonates and with around 65% silt (translate correct?), 20% sand and 15% clay. I know that because I had to inspect soil horizonts back in school. Here is the picture of soil horizonts:

I will dig around 30cm into the ground and put there 8L of Plagron lightmix with NPK tabs. I think roots will expand into native soil, and will not grow only in those 8L.

Goal is at least 60g per plant, so around 30-40% of what I get indoors. Being my first outdoor grow, some says number is high, but I say goals must be high!

I have one big yielder strain and one typical outdoor strain... Dutch passion Auto ultimate and Auto frisian dew. Right now, they're germinating directly in pots. AU is in 1L pots and AFD is in some smaller pots, I don't know how much they hold. Should be fine for 2-3 weeks indoors if we get by plant width.

This is for now to see how things will going. I have some Green poison F1 fast seeds, I want to try. Maybe later on, I hear it's a great strain. But for now, as I only have experience with autos, AU and AFD are on the test. Let's see how good is my weather, soil and the ground.

Looking for some inputs from master outdoor growers, come join me please.
@912GreenSkell @Vlad The Inhaler @Belivitez @trailanimal @captcold @TheMongol @Waira @Growtogrow @islandgrower @Maria Sanchez @SUNDOG @mohawk warrior @fryge @TheMongol @Biotabs F69 @Ryker604_BT @Hippy_BiotabsF70
I've also started some ultimate, I shall be following along with you and this too is my first real outdoor attempt. We can learn from each other grow bro :)
Where abouts in the world are you?
When I grew outside last year the same plants that grow inside sage and sour for instance from th seeds.
I only usually got a half a pound off her in the inside.
when I went outside same clone she gave me damn near 2 pounds off her of quality bud.

Nice, was just yesterday going through the T.H. Seeds catalogue, seems like some fire genetics, how did you like that Sage'n'sour?

Sorry @KonopCh for hijackin' a little bit :cheers:.
Nice, was just yesterday going through the T.H. Seeds catalogue, seems like some fire genetics, how did you like that Sage'n'sour?

Sorry @KonopCh for hijackin' a little bit :cheers:.
Love the sage n sour...
Its a crowd favorit amongst my patient clients sage and sours with a sage taste followed by a fuel flavor it's a 50/50 Indica sativa it lasts for a while good effects Top Notch Smoke.

Sent from my LGMS631 using Tapatalk
if you plant early enough, you shpuld be able to finish during summer, and budrot shouldn't really be an issue.
That is not true bud...well it may be in some areas of the world, but certainly not worldwide.....I live in an areas with tons of lakes in close proximity....Constant relative humidity in the heat of the summer is the worst it ever gets. The hotter it gets, the more humid it is. This is in july...RH is tremendous 70% at best throughout flower last year with many days being in the 80's and 90's. We dont get a break until mid august when the weather starts to cool.
Some areas might be able to escape rot by planning for a mid summer finish, but not everywhere!
btw, about rain, my experience is the problem isn't rain, it's the air humidity(which is caused by the rain, but IMO shielding the plants from rain doesn't matter if they're still standing in that same humid air, a tarp over it is just going to decrease air movement, which could make it worse).

I believe its a combination of the two, especially if we are talking about strong downpour of rain...torrential downpours of rain will soak the buds...if it soaks deeps inside the bud that can certainly cause a problem(from what i have seen)
The rain shield when done properly should be high enough over the plant to not interfere with much circulation at all, and if positioned properly you can use prevailing winds to your advantage.
dew shield.JPG
Rain shield is no go here. Especially for the first time outdoor grower. When it will be raining, I will shake water from the buds as soon as I can. RH I think will not be an issue, that's why I say "rain".

@Biotabs F69 yea, just dolomite lime and NPK tabs. Water only grow. Later on I have some BIO PK on the hand I might use.

Seeds still didn't break the ground, hope tomorrow will.