New Grower First outdoor grow!! Any suggestions?? :)

They seem to look ok. Maybe scale the watering back a little and see how the girls respond? Unless your medium dries out super quick watering every day at this stage might be too much.

Hows your temp/relative humidity been the past few days?

Thanks for the reply! I will water less and see how they respond. I think they’re temp is about 70-90F I have put them under a plastic bag with water sprayed so I think the humidity was pretty high. They dried out a little after.
looking fine and dandy :thumbsup: a nice green.another handfull of soil to build up round the stem.
sounds like a smidge to much water at this stage...but again everyones temps,humidity local conditions are different so could be doin right.
sound close for an LED but maybe not if its a cfl corn type.
Thanks Archie I really appreciate it! I moved them down from the light. I will add more top soil! Sounds awesome! thanks guys, literally couldn’t do his without all the help here thanks!:smoking:
Hey....are the shop lights a t5 high output or t8 flouro? Should say on the box or bulb. If they are t5's HO then 6" is a good distance for young seedlings. If they are t8's (low output) then 3" is good as long as heat is okay(generally fluorescents produce minimal heat, especially T8's)