New Grower First Medicinal Grow of Autos

Time to ask for advice
Time Flies! The Gren O matic is now at day 50 and I just remembered to check the estimated grow time which is 55 days - so theoretically at least only 5 days till go!!! Which means if things are running to schedule Im due for a flush - not the best time for my PH pen to stop working...

But the advice part, which would be hugely appreciated, from the pics does it look like running to schedule or maybe take a bit longer? Having not grown before and not having the greatest vision makes the decision making a bit hard so all input would be greatly appreciated - if I need better pics etc that input would be appreciated too - cheer folks

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Couple days on and thought Id put up some more pics since getting closer.

From reading on here most of you who have grown in have let Green O Matic go for an extra week or two which I think Ill be doing the same. Would definetely appreciate any advice in regards to where this and the others (will try and get some more pics of them up and better ones of GOM) are sitting inregards to timeframe so I can make sure I flush at right time etc. PH pen not happening at moment so have ordered a good one - hopefully here soon. Perhaps not the biggest, healthiest plants but Im happy to see them where they are - and as a first timer - god bless the autos!

Green O matic at day 51/52 - groups shot of GOM and Mazar and Blueberry
Green O Matic


and just for good measure - from the other side
They look like they are a bit low on N. But they aren't too bad. You have a couple weeks left on all of them. It's not very often every plant from a pack of seeds finishes when the breeder says it will. Some plants do their own thing.

Do you have a PH pen or anything? Also where are you at with feeding?
I know I'm a little late but I'm subbed man! At least I'll be there for the finish and beginning of next run! :D Hope you're doing well mate!
cheers mate
yeah I was guessing the times on breeders packs etc were for ideal conditions - which I dont imagine is what Im giving them on this first go!

I do, well did have a PH pen. OOps, I think I got too much water into it and its playing up but have ordered a better quality one which will hopefully be here soon and last a bit longer - as lonmg as I look after it. Being coc/perlite mix Ive been phing the water to about 5.4 previously.

Cheers, will add some N to the mix - catious at moment not having working PH pen but will try and guestimate how much lemon juice I had been using to PH down. Will adding some Epsom salts help with any deficincies from not having pen at moment?

To be honest, Im a bit all over the place as far as feeding - mix of newbie, generally being scattered and trying to do a hundred things at once lately.. Have used a mix of things - only one at a time with water in betwween. My fave additive is sea kelp but as nutes started with CYCO grow and bloom. Then have been using BIO MIX - comes as a 3 part mix of a grow, bloom and additive/tonic and just lately Monsta Bud as an additive as it seems to have a lot of the 'good stuff' Ive read about here in it - not easy to get myco etc here though unfortunately.. With the eyes Im not always good at exact measurements etc (bad at maths doesnt help either) but have been trying to keep dosage at about or below recommend. I have some organic nutes with high N ratio as well so I will slowly add some of that this arvo and see how we go. Am really hoping the PH pen gets here sooner rather than later as want to make sure Ive got the numbers right to get them in best form as we near the end.

cheers mate

---------- Post added 09-22-2011 at 01:04 AM ----------

Cheers WVR - welcome aboard. :smokebuds: Ive got a bit to learn (made sooo much easier by this place) but is great to see some little buds budding and smelling noice!

Considering how fast time has flown with these I am more and more excited about the autos. Brilliant way to grow a variety and quickly. Cant wait to dablle in the many, many strains out there and hopefully work on some that best suit conditions/med needs etc here.
oh, and a little molasses here and there recently but will be making sure theres some in waterings from now on.

Just a question on molasses. My local supermarket has only one choice and it meant to be "top quality" rather than blackstrap which I think is the best to go for - ok thats not a question, this is a question (starting with a statement). I have some Malt which is in a syrup form very similar to molasses. Has anyone used something like this before? Or recommend not using? Theres some goood stuff in there so if not on this grow it may be one I experiment with in future as long as not a no-no - some nice, healthy, malty tasting buds would be quite nice I reckon
I'm a little on the cautious side when it comes to adding stuff that attracts insects. I don't know if malt is a problem for the plant or is a real attraction for insects. I once added molases and I got an infestation of ants fr my trouble. I am sure that lots of people do add molases and have no problems. Just throwing in my 2 cents and point out I did have a problem with the damn ants.
cheers Nelson - I know what you mean as far as the attractant - in the kitchen the damn ants love finding honey, malt, golden syrup etc etc - can hardly blame them I guess as it is good stuff but grrrr!!! Im guessing you mixed it with warm water to dilute first?
cheers matey - Ill hold off on the malt till a further experiment down the track - then I might go all the way and try some peppermint flavoured malt!!I think peppermint is meant to help keep the critters away and well, its peppermint!!

thanks again Bailer - might be placebo effect on my part but looks like they are already liking the extra feed so will keep slowly getting it into them - Im mentally willing my PH pen to get here asap!!!

Was a bit worried at first that due to not being organised/informed enough at the start - all due to me and not finding this site soon enough - that this first grow was gonna end sadly and whilst we are not there yet and it wont be the grow of the century Im at least thinking now that with a few weeks to run i should get some decent buddage and brilliant to know that more will be on the way and not too far away either with the autos!

@glaucoma...i know the trouble with measuring nutes
i have RP along with other problems so anyway
when my dog was sick,we were given a 5ml syringe to administer the meds wiith
it doesnt have a needle just the tube and plunger part
and it works great for me.
the vet also gave me a small thing like you suck snot out of a babys nose with
it has a bulb on 1 end of a tube,it is 10ml,and also works wonderful
no more spills,no more guessing with spoons and drops