New Grower First Medicinal Grow of Autos

Hey glaucoma, welcome to our new forum. What you said about your eye sight reminded me of an old blues tune by Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. Sonny was nearly blind and Brownie had polio. At one point in the song, "On the Road Again", they go into a little narrative. Brownie says to Sonny, "You walk for me and I'll see for you." So you just grow and we'll be your eyes.

Your coco/perlite mixture would be considered a soil less mix, so more akin to growing hydro than a soil grow. So you want to run a little lower on your pH, around 5.8 to 6. I use Pro Mix, which is also soil less. I've seen some N deficiencies start at around 2 weeks. I've taken to mixing a little blood meal in my starter mix and that has seemed to help. I used to use worm castings as well till I recently lost my bulk source. They make a great tea. You might want to start with a weak mixture at about 2 to 2.5 weeks and see how they like it. Good luck, I'm sure you're going to do great.
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Hey Gloc how's it going? That's a great start to something wonderful beginning. It's safe to use worm casting on your babies. It will not burn. I would hold off on the fish poop for a few weeks. Looking forward to this thread.
thanks Muddy and Dykster

I'll be getting the worm castings in there soon Dyckster - is magic stuff, though theres also a fair bit of compost in my worm poo, which whilst good in itself I wanna make sure Ive got any nasties or other seeds out first. I love making compost etc and was tempted to put some compost straight in with the perlite,coco etc but thought best to keep it all clean on first goes and see what I can add as time goes by.

Welcomed with a blues lyric - your my kinda man Muddy! thanks mate. I shall start dropping the PH (have had a bit of rain over past cple weeks so Ive been harvesting the rain water - so much better than tap water). I must admit I did put a smidgeon (maybe a teaspoon per pot) of blood and bone into the initial mix (couldnt help myself). I tried to keep to a small amount and is in the bottom parts of the planters so hopefully that will be welcomed by the roots when they hit it.

I just recieved the BioMix range of bio organic nutes. Managed to get them at a great price. I have Cyco and Dutch master nutes (came with the kit I got) but am keen to get more organics in there so we will see how these go. If anyone has used the BioMix range before I'd be very interested to hear how it goes, any tips etc - man I wish theyd make the writing on the bottles bigger!!! Have also got a bottle of an early starter roo stimulator (based on the aforementioned worm poo I believe) on its way - should be a "cleaner" way of getting good root development early and introduce some mycorrhizae and friends.

Will try to get a pic up as i have a photo-period thats not looking happy this morning - was a bit stretchy and today she is double over - looks like a weak spot in the stem - not sure if some critter has got to it or some other defficiency or whether too stretchy and top heavy 9though is still small). Will try and get a pic up today.

cheers folks :thumbs:
time for an update... day 9

got a 6400k CFL yesterday to add to the mix. have had the 400w HPS going a little but has got me a bit worried but we'll get to that.

good news is seem to be grwoing healthily, bit of size difference which is to be expected amongst individual plants and due to proximity to light but they're alive!! the photo I mentioned above is no longer with us. not too worried at mainly focusing on the autos.
so, some pics



(can't seem to get the other 2 pics uploaded but will try again later. - edit - they are there as attachments below)

slightly bad news is though not sure now if Im going to be able to see these through... Due to the medical issues/disabilities I am wanting to medicate I live with family who I need to keep this away from) however running the fan/carbon filter (which is gonna be imperitive for heat and smell issues) can only raise attention. I've done my best to quiten it down with bubblewrap, duct tape, pillows etc etc but the back wall of my wardrobe backs onto a shared room where pple go in and out and is noticeable. Also, the fan seems to blow out a fair bit of, well I guess carbon dust from the filter (is this normal) which isnt really ideal in a bedroom... I'll be very dissapointed if I cant see it through as I need and deserve access to the medication which helps me, Im looking forward to the process of growing being a gardener and I am enjoying being part of the forum plus Ive spent more than I can afford really already being on a pension so cant afford it to be wasted money. I've added the CFLs so I can do as much as possible with less heat but being a small wardrobe I cant see being able to flower the plants without the use of the carbon filter fan and preferabley the 400w HPS.

That said I will still be trying my best to keep growing as I found it downright unfair an ludicrous that I am in a position where something that improves my health and overall life is illegal and therefor has immoral connotations whilst doctors can legally prescribe things that ruin people lives without listening to their patients and manage to get paid for it. I would seriously consider moving to a part of the world with more realistic laws but again the dissabilities I'm trying to medicate don't make me a great immigrant... arrgghh - anyway, I'll be working on a solution - any words of advice or encouragement most welcome

cheers folks


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Brother, I wish I could offer some advice. But, I don't personally have a solution. Perhaps there is someone on the site who is in a similar living situation and has successfully overcome the challenges you face. All I can personally offer are my best wishes in the hope you find a solution. :peace:
have you tried a dimmer switch so you can run your fan at a slower quiter speed?
it saves a little on the power bill too.
Hang in there Bro... It'll work out and I am liking your grow so far.
Cheers folks
Still hanging in there (will try and get a 2 week update pic up tomorrow when camera battery charged).
Yep, dimmer switch for fan on the "to buy" list when bank account recovers a little but meanwhile Ive added a standard wall mount fan to help keep things cool without as much "outside" noise. Have also invested in some different fragranced soaps etc in the area to try and help. I'll be trying to do as much as I can with the CFLs and using the HPS when I can so will have to make sure my mix, nutes etc are looked after properly to keep the plants growing strong. Where there is a will there is a way - I just wish we could all be more open about it so could do it properly.

Theyre still looking good at this stage - possibly not as big or advanced for their two weeks as others in other pples pics but I'm happy that theyre still growing away and Im sure will be getting to the stage soon where the go nuts.

Hope everyones well and will try and get a pick update tomorrow.
Glad to hear things are going good. Looking forward to seeing those pics.
cheers Muddy - yeah, still a bit worried about the overall stealth aspect - though as mentioned Im working all angles in getting ready to mask the odour etc - Im now officialy a Dr Bronner's sales person which is a pretty cool way to organicaly mask smells etc All One!! - plus I'll have to try and sell a bit to innocently pay some of the increasing power bill. Heat is gonna be an issue coming into our hot summers but that will at least mean the noisy air conditioner will be running flat out to cover the fan noise. Since I work best under pressure Ive also dropped a few more short stuff seeds and they sound so good that I'll just HAVE to see them through. All in all though, if steakth aspects fall through I can only hope those around me will be understanding and if at all an issue with the law I'll be taking the opportunity to at least try and make it a media event to show the utter ridiculousness that a natural plant is illegal while doctors can fill patients wilth a cacophony of dangerous pharmecuticals...

so time for Day 17 pics - as I say seemingly not as big as some of the others Ive seen in pics for the same time but theyre still growing so Im happy. Was also lacking a bit in light early in their life but hopefully now a bit more settled. I possibly also planted them a little deep which may account for not being as tall but since Im lacking in height space anyway thats no biggy - all in all grow 1 is a learning experience and whilst I can be a slow learner Im getting there...

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Now, if only I can get em to finish before tonight - Im pretty much out of medicine..

cheers folks