New Grower First Medicinal Grow of Autos

woohoo - well theyre still growing away and thankfully I know have some family understanding. Has been a hectic few days (grr at disabilities and depression) - I have presented myself to the local member of parliament (proper meeting still to come) and my local police force (risky yes but can't bite tongue any longer) to try and convey to them that canna isn't evil, in fact can be quite a life helping medicine. Whilst I'm not looking forward to the beauracracy or those who look down on me as just a typical stoner, I will be doing my best to at least get the message out and to try and engage the highest possible levels of politics, that access to a helpfull medicine should be a human right, not a criminal offence, especially when doctors can legally dole out much worse.

Whilst I don;t like my luck of actually changing the law I can only try and what is more meaningfull is that after some very honest conversations with family I know have the green light to quietly grow some green - I will still have to work on the heat, noise, smell issues etc (ona blocks etc) but at least I don't have to be absolutely secretive about the fact that I plan to keep my remaining eyesight as long as possible.

Late here now and I need sleep but in celebration will get some nice pics of the girls up tomorrow to see how theyre going.

cheers folks
and in breaking news - a very respected, by me at least and by many in reality, family member of mine - never smoked in their life - is going to help me make my voice regarding medical canna known to the wider public, in particular politicians. This is SUCH a weight off my mind - it is a pity people have to see me almost dead after being pre-scribed more legal poison after yet another misdiagnosis purely by medical professionals (?) not listening to their patients or listening but not believing or because they serve pharmecutical companies not individuals, yet being able to function like a normal human being whilst using canna but at least the point is starting to be made. I can only hope I have as much success convincing the law makers in this country that I and many others have human rights.

I may be annoying some of you over time with info regarding how the medicinal canna system works in those places it is allowed and possibly any info on politicians or doctors etc from your countries/local areas who may be willing to contact politicians in my country to offer them some factual education. Testimonials from those who have had their health and lives changed for the better in placed where they can do it legally may also be a big help or at least an eye opener if anyone is interested...

It will be a long road but standing up for what I believe in, especially when it comes to things as important as health, quality of life and freedom of choice is too important and I can only hope that I can help make it a reality that one day people in need in my country have the basic human right to help themselves - those of you in places that are able to use canna medicinally or legally don't really need to lobby your politicians - but it is worth thanking them for showing some compassion and indeed common-sense in a world where both are lacking.

end rant... for now...
Not annoyed at all mate!

If there were more people like you we might get this legalization/med movement off the ground!

Keep fighting the fight mate. :thumbs:
Cheers mate - the decision I guess I have had to make is that there are lotsa people out there like me - stuck in a ridiculously stupid situation where we can legally access posions but not medicines. So let the fight begin!!!
Just back from optometrist and my eye pressures are through the roof - the specialist gave me a recipe for canna cookies and was nearly going to try and score for me it is that important - now if only the law and my plants will hurry up so I can medicate - grrr at society but thankfull to actually get some good medical advice for a change. might have to go randomly knock on doors for some medicine!
time for an update - day 30

Initial periods of this grow were under stress (me trying to be sneaky and adverse reactions to doctors) plus was getting lights etc together on the run so didnt make the most of their early phase so whilst I don't think I'll be winning any awards for this first grow it is a good test run, has broken a few blocks of ice and is at least the start of me taking some control. Hopefully I can now settle a bit and let this br a little stress free - though as you will see in the pics I got lotsa learning to do!! Have had a good flush of groth last cple of days due to some nutes, use of bottles as humidity tents (I shlds remembered that earlier - I always use cut off bottles on my tomoato seedlings so will make sure from now I do on the girls as well) - speaking of nutes - I gotta learn to ease up a bit as youll see from Green o Matic 2 (mix of being newbie and keen to try some of the nutes I have as well as being unsettled to begin with). Others are showing a little burn here and there but not near as noticeable as that one (I shoulda taken pics this morning before I fed them...) - I have since emptied res and watered thru with some ph'd and lightly epsom salted water to try and clear out some of the excess nutes - will give more un-nuted water tomorrow to try and clean em up a bit more...

They are now on a fairly constatn 18/6 light schedule, under 400w HPS for most of the time plus a few 150 CFLs (2 each of 6400 and 2700) providing side lighting plus some blue veg light for the next batch of seedlings as well as these.

First two pics are Green O Matics, Blueberry, Mazar. Standard Bic lighter as reference - yeah I reckon they could be bigger too!?

cheers folks

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First one is the singed Green o Matic,
Second is Blueberry
Thrid is Green O matic
orevious post is Mazar.

A day on since the pics and they are growing away :D. the burnt green o matic may have been due to leaves touching the side of bottle which was over the top of it as well as nutes, as well as it being too close - anyways, its all trial and error with this first batch (and those to come)

Cheers mate
yep time flies!! Looking forward to the next grow already as I think my biggest problem with these ones was massively underwatering at the start hence their small stature - but at least Ive made a start

Green O Matic

hectic few weeks here (not easy starting a new Hemp related business or trying to deal with politicians in a small, close minded town) so been a bit lax with the journal. I wont go into full details in regards to nute/watering schedules because I've been a bit scattered with it all but as I learn what Im doing Ill try and go into that.

All in all Im quite happy with how they are going - especially happy to see my first buds forming and growing :booya:and learning as I go. Wih next grow Ill need to make sure I work the medium more first so it is settled and make sure there is enough medium in the pot as these ones are sitting a bit low which doent help air or light penetrate. Ill get working on my capillary system soon to try and get the correct watering sorted out. Have been doing some LSTing and leaf tucking to try and share the light with lower parts of the plants and to keep them roughly at the same height under the lights. Seems to be working as theres plenty of bud sites on the go but over time I will have to experiment on the best training methods to make sure theres still plenty of room for all bits and pieces to grow.

so, portrait time for day 49


