User of Advanced Lunar Technology
Hey everyone! My mylar is enroute (should be here today, if not first stop tomorrow is the local grow shop to get some black/white poly or mylar), and the rest of my supplies are here.
Next big post will be a look at the finished DIY stealth grow box and then begins the LOOOOOONG wait.
So, what's the details? Glad you asked, hypothetical reader!
I'll be starting slow: one Fantasmo Express and one Sour Crack from the fine folks at Mephisto Genetics. One of each is currently in a root riot cube germinating the Ronin Way!
I'm growing in FullDuplex's simple to follow soil recipe for this run; I'm gathering supplies and funds to switch to a better TLO/SuperSoil setup for later grows in the summer. Only change is I'll be using rice hulls instead of perlite, and ground oyster shells instead of eggshells.
Not much else to share yet; it's early on, and I'm still finishing up the box while the seeds pop, and the soil is...well, it's soil, you know? I was given a bottle of biological innoculant as a sample by the kind folks at my grow shop, so I'll be mixing that into the soil when I plant, along with some Great White myco to dust around the roots.
Next big post will be a look at the finished DIY stealth grow box and then begins the LOOOOOONG wait.
So, what's the details? Glad you asked, hypothetical reader!
I'll be starting slow: one Fantasmo Express and one Sour Crack from the fine folks at Mephisto Genetics. One of each is currently in a root riot cube germinating the Ronin Way!
I'm growing in FullDuplex's simple to follow soil recipe for this run; I'm gathering supplies and funds to switch to a better TLO/SuperSoil setup for later grows in the summer. Only change is I'll be using rice hulls instead of perlite, and ground oyster shells instead of eggshells.
Not much else to share yet; it's early on, and I'm still finishing up the box while the seeds pop, and the soil is...well, it's soil, you know? I was given a bottle of biological innoculant as a sample by the kind folks at my grow shop, so I'll be mixing that into the soil when I plant, along with some Great White myco to dust around the roots.