New Grower First Journal: This is how we grow Moonijuana


User of Advanced Lunar Technology
Feb 10, 2015
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Hey everyone! My mylar is enroute (should be here today, if not first stop tomorrow is the local grow shop to get some black/white poly or mylar), and the rest of my supplies are here.

Next big post will be a look at the finished DIY stealth grow box and then begins the LOOOOOONG wait.

So, what's the details? Glad you asked, hypothetical reader!

I'll be starting slow: one Fantasmo Express and one Sour Crack from the fine folks at Mephisto Genetics. One of each is currently in a root riot cube germinating the Ronin Way!

I'm growing in FullDuplex's simple to follow soil recipe for this run; I'm gathering supplies and funds to switch to a better TLO/SuperSoil setup for later grows in the summer. Only change is I'll be using rice hulls instead of perlite, and ground oyster shells instead of eggshells.

Not much else to share yet; it's early on, and I'm still finishing up the box while the seeds pop, and the soil is...well, it's soil, you know? I was given a bottle of biological innoculant as a sample by the kind folks at my grow shop, so I'll be mixing that into the soil when I plant, along with some Great White myco to dust around the roots.
I'm with oldster on the pic's. I love looking at diy box's
Checked on the root cubes this morning; the Fantasmo Express is starting to sprout! A tiny little white stem is juuuuust poking out from the top of the cube. No noticeable activity from the sour crack yet; here's hoping it's just a few hours behind. Germinating is always the most nerve wracking, but at least I've got one of two, and it's the one I was most excited about.
I couldn't resist taking a closer look at the second cube when it still hadn't sprouted hours later...

I gently pried the top bit apart, just enough to see the seed has split and a sprout appears to be forming; not wanting to damage it by messing with it any further I simply let the cube shut and put it back in the container. Here's hoping it makes its way through the soil on its own over the next day.
Patience time traveler she will come . Germination karma :karma Cloud:
So, a couple minor snarls:

MAJOR winter weather here in the US, as some of you may be aware. It's played merry hell with my plans, as has my job.

My grow box isn't finished, since the mylar took so long to get here. Luckily, my seedlings can chill until monday (when I'll have a half-day where I can put some work in to finishing the box), and then on Tuesday and Wednesday I should be able to finish my DIY airpot-trough. I'll be doing tiered planting anyway, so worst case scenario I'll plant them in the party cups as expected and hold off the soil containers for a couple days.

As for the soil, that was more disastrous. Turns out where I live it's a nightmare to get almost any of the ingredients I need! The local grow shop (which I suspect is 420 friendly, given the brand names they sell AND the fact they keep stash jars and a weed-related magazine for sale behind the counter along with gardening supplies) had a huge shortage of supplies due to shipping being borked to hell.

I bought some basic Fox Farm soil (not ocean harvest or anything, just the plain Fox Farm with EWC and bat guano), and some basic all-purpose OMRI nutes, and some perlite (nobody here sells rice hulls! :no:). I didn't plan on using perlite for my TLO soil either, but I wound up with like a 10 gallon bag for 20 bucks because it was the smallest they had! Oh well, at least I'll never need to buy it again. By the time I need more, I can ship in some rice hulls (just can't wait a few weeks right now, the babies will need a pot SOON!)

I've got some jiffy seedling mix for the initial planting (which I might cut with some soil and perlite and some nutes). Pics of the seedlings once I get a chance to crack open the case and see how they're doing under the LED light.
Second seed is a go! Sour crack poked it's head above the surface today at last!

Here's a pic for you all:

Sour crack is the top sprout, Fantasmo Express on the bottom. Very excited that both seeds are rolling on!
And here's a better look at the sprouts, in clear light instead of the purple LED.


Fantasmo Express on the left, Sour Crack on the right. Getting the soil and cups mixed up, and they'll be potted tomorrow, with the box hopefully done tomorrow morning or Wednesday.