you aint gonna succeed unless you fail.Its part of gardening indoors and out.Ive grown 20 foot tomatoes outdoors to watch em get wiped out before the first fruit ripened.I see alot of good advice on these forums and also some terrible advice.I would up the pot size.I grow in 8 gallon pots when i do soil and still get root bound.If your not getting root bound in a 3 gallon than you aint doing something right thats all it is to it.When you can take a 3 second look at a plant and know something is wrong its best to just learn from your mistakes.My advice would be bigger pot size at least a 5.yeah some guys can grow big plants in 3 gallons but those guys know what they are doing and still will only be able to grow a plant at the size of its root mass.Your not going to get a whole lot of plant with 3 gallons of root.Thats just nature.
I would throw away the PH crap and start with a good soil.Go with roots organics next time or get some fox farms NOW and test the PH.Now is the time you need to be amending your soil for the next grow,If the PH is low add some lime to it and give it a few weeks to work in.Dont go liming soil that you have no idea what the PH is.I can get soil tested at the local farmers co op extension for free.They will tell you exactly what to put in to bring the PH up or down and exactly what levels of NPK are in it.Forget Phing the wate.rIf the soil is good it will work itself out.I personally like general organics GO BOX.I grew some monsters with that stuff just following the feed schedule on the was dead on.i would water skip a day feed skip a day water etc at half strength so the plants were getting a good weekly dose.Add in your calmag in the beginning.about 1ML per gallon first 2 weeks and work up to 3L per gallon.You wont ever have a calcium or mag issue.DO NOT wait for defencies to show up in soil becasue alot of time those are caused by something you didnt do 3 weeks ago and trying to fix it will be a lost cause.With photos you can fix shit before flower.Autos wont wait around.there gonna be ready when there proactive and not reactive.
Bigger pots,good nute schedule and good drainage and plenty of light.LIGHT is what the plants truly eat.have a light breeze on them and there is no reason why you cant grow 4-8 zips a plant autos.
I would throw away the PH crap and start with a good soil.Go with roots organics next time or get some fox farms NOW and test the PH.Now is the time you need to be amending your soil for the next grow,If the PH is low add some lime to it and give it a few weeks to work in.Dont go liming soil that you have no idea what the PH is.I can get soil tested at the local farmers co op extension for free.They will tell you exactly what to put in to bring the PH up or down and exactly what levels of NPK are in it.Forget Phing the wate.rIf the soil is good it will work itself out.I personally like general organics GO BOX.I grew some monsters with that stuff just following the feed schedule on the was dead on.i would water skip a day feed skip a day water etc at half strength so the plants were getting a good weekly dose.Add in your calmag in the beginning.about 1ML per gallon first 2 weeks and work up to 3L per gallon.You wont ever have a calcium or mag issue.DO NOT wait for defencies to show up in soil becasue alot of time those are caused by something you didnt do 3 weeks ago and trying to fix it will be a lost cause.With photos you can fix shit before flower.Autos wont wait around.there gonna be ready when there proactive and not reactive.
Bigger pots,good nute schedule and good drainage and plenty of light.LIGHT is what the plants truly eat.have a light breeze on them and there is no reason why you cant grow 4-8 zips a plant autos.