I 2nd brown paper bags. Get the thickest kind you can find. Break buds down, no bigger than golf balls. One single layer on bottom of bag. I leave them hanging, undisturbed, for 3 days. You can open it to ogle but no need. After 3 days I consolidate 2 bags because they will shrink by half. Leave a bit of stem on a couple to test moisture. If stem bends...dry more. Snaps...good to go.
I like to jar on the wet side, 70%ish. Then juggle from jars to bag for a few days, especially with low RH. This ensures the slowest finish possible, which is clutch imo. Burp 3× daily, gradually reducing to once a day, for how long depends on moisture content. Once they hit 62% seal her up and burp once a week. It takes me around 2 weeks to hit 62% when done right.