New Grower First Grow, Short Rider, 400W

think mine were done in 8 weeks. advice thats a tough one dont over feed or over water
Nirvana Short Ryders...not prolific in abundance/yield,medium tall,but I LUV the stickiness when I crush! Nice aroma, very enjoyable high!! I'm cross breeding that with Kannabia's Gnomo Automatic. Full flavored more robust vigor (shaped like a mango for top). Short Ryder has multiple branches. You'll be delighted w/ results. If it were me, I'd have planted 3....if regular seeds. Hoping one is male to breed. Doing all 5 and making a newbie kick yourself. I let it go 62 days. 45 days as mentioned, you want it longer. 16-18 hrs. daily if you're using high intensity lamps. No need to cut back to 12 hrs.
Nice i just gott my short rider in the other day i wont be starting it for another 5 weeks so ill be watching your forum to see how they are. i hope to hear good stuff and good luck!
Well the last 2 seeds haven't popped yet, so figuring they're not going too.
Only 2 of the 3 cracked seeds have sprouted. Figuring it was the 2 with a tap root exposed, the third one was only cracked.
How long do I need to keep the baggies over them though? It's been 3 days since planted in the jiffy pellets.
Here's what I got so far. Picture of them in bottles with baggies and picture of each of the ones that sprouted.

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Well I ended up taking the baggies off and I put them even closer to the light. They just haven't seemed like they've grown that much, plus I saw someone's post with their plants at 5 days and they looked bigger than mine and didn't have any plastic on them.
people normally count the days after they sprouted so no worries yet, watch out for that yellowing your flurs are cold are they just trying to rule out light scorch
watch out for that yellowing your flurs are cold are they just trying to rule out light scorch

Sorry man, I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Yeah I wasn't sure if the one leaf yellowing was normal since it is its first leaves to form.
Wasn't sure if those leaves fell off or something.
I'm also wondering with the baggies off if I'll need to water the pellets again. I took the baggies off also cause the condensation was making them cloudy so I wasn't sure if they were getting enough light.
2 of them never germed, 1 of them hasn't sprouted yet and I'm afraid I'm going to kill off the last 2 before they even have a
i think i see the issue theres a bit of membrane from the seed shell still attached to the leaf blocking the light this should be very very carefully pulled/scraped off and no they dont yellow for another couple of weeks. I would leave the baggies off to prevent rot and give the plant c02 for growth
you water the pellets when dry when needed
Thanks for the help Agito.
I scrapped the membrane off the best I could. I think there is still a little on the underside of leaf, but I got scared trying to scrap it off. I'll try to moisten up the leaf again later and try again, but there wasn't too much under there.
I also watered the pellets a bit too and poured some extra water in the lower part of the bottle. I also used a rubber band to hold an outdoor temp sensor onto the bottle to get an idea of the temp where the plants are and put my Temp/Hygrometer down next to bottles. I also put a bottle of water in there to help with humidity. If that doesn't work I have a small personal humidifier that you use for stuffed up noses that I might put in there.

SR #1.2.jpg

Well Plants aren't doing too bad.
The one yellow leaf never seemed to recover. Having a hard time getting a clear picture of them. I believe this is Day 5 after sprouting. Still not a big as I was hoping, but not sure if that has to do with being in Jiffy Pellets and not having a steady supply of high humidity (I did put a humidifier in there). My Temps stay around 75°-81° F.
SR #1.3.jpg SR #2.3.jpg

The 3rd seed seems to be doing something finally. It seems to be either pushing itself out of Jiffy or getting ready to sprout.

I figured out how to wire the thermostat for my PC fans. It works great too and I can use 1 Thermostat for 2 fans. When the temp reaches a certain degree it turns on the fans.
Thermostat Fan control <--- here's a link to what it is.

I do have an extra one and I'm not sure if I'm going to use it yet or not. I may give it away if I decide not to use it. Interested parties send me a PM. <-- Is that allowed? If not just let me know and I'll delete otherwise mods can.

**EDIT** BTW, how will I know when I need to transplant them? Is it when I see roots coming out of the jiffy pellets? And Do I put them under the HPS light after 3 weeks or sooner since they are autoflowers?

**EDIT #2** Well I transplanted the 2 into 3 gallon bags. Checked them today and they had nice bright white roots coming out of the Pellets. Watered with Distilled water that pH'd at 6.0.
When I watered seemed like alot of the perlite came to the top. The last one has definitely sprouted. Picked the seed shell off it and looks like it was just a slow starter.
I know with FFOF I don't need to use Nutes for a while, but when do I start using Molasses? I'll look around and see if I can't find the answer to that too.
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