Well Plants aren't doing too bad.
The one yellow leaf never seemed to recover. Having a hard time getting a clear picture of them. I believe this is Day 5 after sprouting. Still not a big as I was hoping, but not sure if that has to do with being in Jiffy Pellets and not having a steady supply of high humidity (I did put a humidifier in there). My Temps stay around 75°-81° F.
The 3rd seed seems to be doing something finally. It seems to be either pushing itself out of Jiffy or getting ready to sprout.
I figured out how to wire the thermostat for my PC fans. It works great too and I can use 1 Thermostat for 2 fans. When the temp reaches a certain degree it turns on the fans.
Thermostat Fan control <--- here's a link to what it is.
I do have an extra one and I'm not sure if I'm going to use it yet or not. I may give it away if I decide not to use it. Interested parties send me a PM. <-- Is that allowed? If not just let me know and I'll delete otherwise mods can.
**EDIT** BTW, how will I know when I need to transplant them? Is it when I see roots coming out of the jiffy pellets? And Do I put them under the HPS light after 3 weeks or sooner since they are autoflowers?
**EDIT #2** Well I transplanted the 2 into 3 gallon bags. Checked them today and they had nice bright white roots coming out of the Pellets. Watered with Distilled water that pH'd at 6.0.
When I watered seemed like alot of the perlite came to the top. The last one has definitely sprouted. Picked the seed shell off it and looks like it was just a slow starter.
I know with

OF I don't need to use Nutes for a while, but when do I start using Molasses? I'll look around and see if I can't find the answer to that too.