New Grower First grow - RQS Northern Lights auto

I was going to do it on blind faith but the explanation is much appreciated! Cheers man.
She had a 2ltr flush with ph water this morning. Good run off. No pics but it's obvious it's ready to chop. Most of the leaves are yellowing. The pistols are brown. Can't wait for Saturday now & my bubble bags have arrived so I'm all set :)
Awesome, I'd love to get a wet weight if you are able. In general you should be able to multiply your wet weight by .30 to get a rough estimate of your dry weight. Of course it's not exact since factors like the drying room RH/temp will change the outcome from roughly 70-80% reduction in weight.
Bought a new battery for my scales yesterday!
Awesome! Have they been plumping up in the last couple of days?
The reason it works better is that leaving the water in allows for ice formation in the freezer, this makes the glandular heads more apt to snap off with agitation, so combine that with ice water and you have a pretty solid extraction method.

SO I guess the best thing to do would be to just freeze my trim, leaves, shake, small buds immedietly after harvest and wait until I have enough material to make bubble? Does the same thing go for keif?

Thx for the info
They've put on a bit, not hugely noticeable on a day to day check though. Moved some lights around and got some of the lower buds to swell a bit. Lots of popcorn buds. As a first grow, yield was not a priority. I think I'll be under an oz dry. As long as it smokes nice I'll be happy. 25 hours till chop!

Does the same thing go for keif?

I'm not sure to be honest, I've only ever made bubble, the only Kief I've had was from using a multi chamber grinder.

As to the first question yes, though I don't know how long fresh Cannabis can stay in the freezer, perhaps someone else here does.
Took 4 hours but it's all trimmed and hanging to dry. Total weight 200g, there is quite a bit of stalk in it. More pics to follow but here's a taster.


Corrected the weight, 200g, not paying attention as I type. Still over the moon though :)
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The best part about the whole process, cannot beat smoking your own homegrown.

Got a similar 300w yesterday, the thing is huge. From elbow to finger tip looking forward to firing that up in a few weeks time.

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The best part about the whole process, cannot beat smoking your own homegrown.

Got a similar 300w yesterday, the thing is huge. From elbow to finger tip looking forward to firing that up in a few weeks time.