New Grower First grow, Royal Dwarf, UK outdoor

I looked on Friday and trichomes were clear.

Rain is really heavy now, she's been rained on plenty this week which ain't good.

Weatherman says it's gonna hit 30 degrees next week but it looks like thunderstorms and all that junk too.

Might stretch a bit of clear polythene over her and try to keep her dry at least.

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Looking good bud!
Thats what i do if a mini tent overhead
Either way congrats on your first. As long as flowers are completely dried before jarring, should have 0 issues. Its a matter of opinion. I like mine crispy before jarring. I know I won't have any issues needing to burp the jars, and every flower is ready for the grinder and vape.
Either way congrats on your first. As long as flowers are completely dried before jarring, should have 0 issues. Its a matter of opinion. I like mine crispy before jarring. I know I won't have any issues needing to burp the jars, and every flower is ready for the grinder and vape.
Thanks @Micron Creek . It does feel good knowing the rewards are just around the corner now on my first grow.

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swan she looks so good the buds look fat your in for a nice harvest i pray mine are as good also hygrometers are a must for jars you can get em for 3 quid or less on ebay
Loved reading this mate really well thought and planned first grow. Really not long left now. I would be so happy if I got mine to this stage. Now Iv learned something new my strain which I'm growing is not even a Auto it's photoperiod. Ohh well it's all a learning curve and I'm still learning just wish I can get at least one of my plants to this stage lol
Loved reading this mate really well thought and planned first grow. Really not long left now. I would be so happy if I got mine to this stage. Now Iv learned something new my strain which I'm growing is not even a Auto it's photoperiod. Ohh well it's all a learning curve and I'm still learning just wish I can get at least one of my plants to this stage lol
Thanks man appreciate the comments.

Have really enjoyed so far, I do like my gardening in general but this end bit has been a bit stressful in combination with life getting in the way!

It's all about learning on the first one, I can see that now. Plus Mother Nature will always be the greater force so sometimes you just gotta go with the flow.

I'll check out your journal when I get a mo but I'm sure with all the advice on here you'll get your photos to the finish line [emoji3]


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Day 71: Follow me into the garden, you won't believe your eyes.... Trichomes trichomes everywhere, the loveliest suprise.

I broke out the microscope this evening and I think I have a mixed bag of trichomes going on.

At the bottom and smaller buds I've got clear to milky...



I have lots of good solid patches of milky.....




And on the top and at the other bigger bud sites I think I see amber? But the amber ones look like they are shrunken and withered? Is that degrading?





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