Cool, unfotrtunately lightings kinda out of my control right now as they're in the garden when its sunny and sat on a south facing windowsill when its not, till i can get some decent lights. And yeah, i guess patience is key with these things, hard though when i just wanna check them every 5 mins hah!
So i got a 200w giant CFL the other day and put it in the most shitty looking cabinet known to man, which i will post pics of asap!
A day or two after going in though, leaves on a couple of plants had turned really far down, and now they've slightly recovered but are looking a bit twisted and wierd. the little new leaves coming out are also looking a bit twisty? Any suggestions what to do? maybe they got shocked after being on the windowsill to suddenly having lights? I know its hard to say without pics but will post some up later today. Still, any help would be great thanks!
I wouldn't be concerned, your seedlings look fine. It's not unusual for the first set or two of leaves to look a bit odd. As the plants get bigger and start to grow faster that will right itself. Not to worry.
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