New Grower First grow. looking for some help along the way

I think that I figured it out.


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day 9

I transplanted two days ago into three gallon pots. Last night I mixed 1/3 strength big bloom fox farms trio in some water and put an air stone hooked to a pump in the jug to give it some oxygen. I plan to give the first watering with nutes tonight. My question is will the nutes evaporate or will they still be in the water if I water tonight?

Second, I am still having soil ph at about 7.2 and water ph at about 7 (after nutes are added) I am worried about doing anything to drastic. My soil has peat moss and it is my understanding that over time it will break down and lower soil ph. Do you think I am ok to just move forward and hope ph levels go down naturally or should I do something now?

Finally, :) My new leds lights should be here Monday. I have heard that they cause cal/mag deficiencies. Should I start adding cal/mag now or wait until there is a problem?

Have a good one and may all your seeds be female.
Hi 1guy, your nutrients will not evaporate from the water which is one of the reasons why you should water with 10-15% runoff to help prevent them from building up in the soil.

As to your soil pH I would lower the water to about 6.0 for now. Your soil most likely has some added lime to offset the low pH of the peat. The lime will slowly get used up and the soil pH will start to drop. You need to watch your soil pH throughout your grow and adjust your water pH accordingly. If you don't have pH Down vinegar will work.

As to cal/mag most autos will need it regardless of type of light but LEDs seem to increase the need, I use it in every watering so yes start now
Thanks oldster, I really appreciate everyone's help. I have gone without for way to long now because I relocated to another state and I have not met anyone that I feel comfortable with asking for a hook up. Anyway growing my own is a more fun and rewarding.

I ordered some cal/mag. I checked my soil moisture at lunch and I think I could go another day before watering. I will play around with some vinegar tonight (did I just say that) and see how much I need to add to a gallon jug to get my Ph down.
Day 11- Auto Blue Mystic

They seem to be growing. Right now I have 4 23-26 watt cfls hanging over each plant. Waiting for my Leds to get here.

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one of mine also came out with one leaf. all pairs afterward
Day 14

Received my LED's tonight. (2) 300 Watt marshydro panels. I have been a photo 3.JPGlittle rough on them moving them around as my grow room has been modified during grow but I am hoping that they are ok. Any opinions are appreciated.
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Those panels are built tough. The two 300 watt panels makes a nice footprint in your growroom. From the pic you have some really good even coverage