if your using those single smaller CFL's man.you can pretty much(assuming yer temps are alright) just hang a single bulb over each one or a long tube just about 5-8 inches with some mellow airflow over the tops of the seedlings.thats always worked quite excellent for me.and on a side note man you may wanna invest in a small spray bottle and moisten a little right around the stalk with a single spray only when its looking dry.roughly about the size of a quarter or there abouts1 er two sprays lightly to your not dislodging any root structure or shocking it to terribly either.thats what ive done all my grows when I used single cfl's. and even t5 tubes I pretty mush do the same thing for the most part.too far away you'll get nasty stretch after a few days if you dont know what your looking for too.hope thats helpful for ya dude.