Outdoor First grow, late outdoor organic attempt

I started another CJ seed last night, the first was a dud.

I'm getting concerned not only about fall rain, but also potential pests. A mosaic virus brought by aphids just wrecked my kale and Brussels sprouts, and it was a not so pleasant reminder how the bugs love it here...

So, I'm building a mini greenhouse/frame for insect netting:)
Raccoons and skunks and snails? Oh my!
Well hopefully this will lock everything out. Obscuring the plants from the view of my neighbors is a nice bonus as well. Just because it is legal here doesn't mean everyone is in love with the idea...

The new home for my ladies is almost finished.
Rampaging deer are not a problem, no. But your post did remind me that raccoons, squirrels, possums, rats, clumsy lost dogs and house cats looking for a toilet are all occasional visitors.

So yeah, I'm still digging the idea of physical deterrents:)
I'm sub'd good luck Fishy, I'll be watching with bated breathe to see how the transplants take. Although as you are heading into your fall, the result would / will be better in summer as you've been warned so bear that in mind for the final yield..but I say go go for it, your soil sounds good.. These autos are certainly different beasts to photo periods or veges. I'm doing an almost reverse experiment to you..direct sow in final pots lol. TIGER & LIONS & BEARS OH MY ! I don't have rampaging deer but I had some cattle break into my property from the neighbors farm and they walked on two of my big photo plots and sunk a few 1 ft deep hoof holes...fuckers. Lucky not planted out yet but still has disturbed the soil structure I'd been building. Good luck man !
A cow stomped your weed? That sucks, but you did get a good story:)

Speaking of outdoor perils, I have about 5 minutes left of work on the greenhouse, but here I sit nursing a bee sting to the foot.
LOL yes the outdoor perils. The cows didn't stomp the weed, just the plots, weed not planted out yet, they just walked through a couple of the plots I prepared a couple of months ago and sunk down and compacted them in spots, I'm out to repair them today.
Here we go, time to get these girls in the ground!

The Blueberry and SODK are at 9 days and the Med Gom is at 7. Critical Jack has failed again, I think they were drying out too much exposed to the air with the fan on. My final CJ bean has been planted, covered this time.

Here is what happens to a soil cube when you ask a preschooler to please not touch daddy's plants. He did stop touching the plants...

The girls all tucked into their new home, alongside some lettuce and spinach.

And finally the greenhouse, thanks to some OG Ghost Train Haze for the energy and focus to get it done. The sides are double layered with insect netting and plastic, so I can vent without opening a door for pests.