I guess I'm SOL then:slaps:. There's no details on the bottles and attempts to contact the companies directly got me nowhere. One bottle has no info and the other lists what it contains, (N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S,Zm,B,Cu) but no ratios.
Only thing I got is 24/10/14 NPK% on the MG bag, but It's only about 25% of the total soil mix and the other soils have no info at all and I don't think they have any added nutrients.
My pH meter is great for making holes and not much else. The bottled water I give claims a pH of 7.2.
Last week, the leaves looked just like the N.tox "claw" pictures I've seen, so I'm scared to increase the nute dosage but it seems there isn't much else I can do as supplies are extremely limited here and the (recommended) products I can order online are extremely overpriced. Dyna-Gro foliage and bloom that would cost $37 in the US will cost $120 for me here and prices are even worse for other specialty products...
Compared to $1.50/bottle it costs for the local ferts, it's a tough pill to swallow.