New Grower First grow journal

Hi cappy, I don't see anything major going on. Post a few pics with the HPS turned off in the Infirmary section and let the experts take a look. Try to get some showing the entire plant so they can see new as well as old growth
Pictures didn't seem to link properly over there but should be visible. Will re-post here while I wait:

And here's the pics 11 days apart when she first started budding and now:

I feel the buds are doing okay but the leaves are yellowing prematurely. Has me worried that she's either sick or going to finish early and give me popcorn.
Howdy CappY..As for moving the gal's around, I do the same but twice a day..Can't see any harm in that..I'd be concerned too about the yellowing,but that is me a newbee..My guess and I do mean GUESS...Might need more "N"...I'll be waiting to hear the vertict myself..

Hey Cap'- What are the NPK #'s on those fert's? MG soil is often problematic with nutrients and pH,... that said, the yellowing could pass for both N and Mg defc.'s,... N because the (lower) whole leaves +veins are paling out; Mg can show higher up with similar initial symptoms, but usually veins stay green... We need pH info too, if you can, and fert's info, also see if the soil label has NPK data too,... how we fix will depend on this info,...
I guess I'm SOL then:slaps:. There's no details on the bottles and attempts to contact the companies directly got me nowhere. One bottle has no info and the other lists what it contains, (N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S,Zm,B,Cu) but no ratios.
Only thing I got is 24/10/14 NPK% on the MG bag, but It's only about 25% of the total soil mix and the other soils have no info at all and I don't think they have any added nutrients.
My pH meter is great for making holes and not much else. The bottled water I give claims a pH of 7.2.

Last week, the leaves looked just like the N.tox "claw" pictures I've seen, so I'm scared to increase the nute dosage but it seems there isn't much else I can do as supplies are extremely limited here and the (recommended) products I can order online are extremely overpriced. Dyna-Gro foliage and bloom that would cost $37 in the US will cost $120 for me here and prices are even worse for other specialty products...
Compared to $1.50/bottle it costs for the local ferts, it's a tough pill to swallow.
:slaps: Gaahhh!-- just saw where you're at, and now I understand,...I have an AFN friend out your general way, and he's stuck in a similar situation,... So, work with what you got... I don't see N-tox/nute burn issues, so keep on with those, particularly the bloom; it's good news about that MG soil being diluted of sorts --you'd be much worse off if it was straight MG... can you get molasses/treacle? that has Ca, Mg, K in it, plus the sugars will make the soil 'crobes happy too! ... those costs are criminal, but being careful/paranoid is wise where you're at,...:goodluck:
Just as a tip Cappy, nutes for growing tomatoes are supposed to be the best alternative for cannabis nutes. Hope this helps a bit.
@waira- will take a look in the import markets for the molasses. If I can find it, how much should I use? You looked at the pics from last week ? What do you make of those droopy leaf tips ?
@Reedroguez- thanks for the tip. Will take a look out for it. I've been to a few places and they all seem to have the same generic unknown stuff. I'm currently using cactus food as a bloom alternative, that's how much of a pinch I'm in.
Thanks for the help and support, everyone. At the very least, it will help me take in a better harvest next grow.
...nothing noteworthy in the tips, mate,... unsulphurated or blackstrap is what to look for... 1T/gal, 2x/wk should be fien, but make sure the week or so before estimated harvest time that you feed nothing but water, to cleanse her out; this makes for better smoke! :smoke:
I sprayed the yellow leaves with some of the general nutes (diluted) and gave her a healthy feeding, making sure there was a good amount of runoff.
I also added 2 CFL's to add some light on the lower buds/leaves in hopes that it helps the harvest.
Salona seems to be doing better, as the yellowing leaves feel less dried out and have stopped fading for now.

Was able to find some unsulphured Molasses and will be feeding it to her tomorrow.

Got home late and the lights turned on just as I started to take pictures. Decided to try out the jewelers lens and try to get a look at how her trichs are doing :


Gonna take a wild guess and say she's got another 5-6 weeks to go but I have no idea.