Thanks. There's alot of simple sayings are stuff that really help out. Like conform your environment to your plant not your plant to the environment and so on. There no easy how to growguide bc everyone's setup is diffrent and too many variables at play but with that said some things are just facts and apply to everyone. The best way to learn is through making mistakes and trying out things and seeing the results. The internet is so all over the place on growing it's a waste of time. I've learned from years of grows and refining my methods. But there's alot of people that don't like how I do things and dissagree with alot of what I do. The biggest being transplanting and defoiliation. Witch are supposedly big no no's with autos. You gotta just take everything in and find what works best for you and fits with what you want out of your grows. If your looking for great advice and a tips look up David Robison the garden sage. I watch all his videos and am friends with him. He knows his shit better than almost anyone I've seen. I reviewed his book on here it's in the product reviews section. That book has saved my ass and really helped me when I was conflicted and having issues finding the right advice.In veg I water more frequently and when they are around halfway through flower I wait till they are around 50% dried out before I water/feed again. Seems to keep the roots healthier and gives more resin production. But before that I water the same amount every day at the same time everyday. In my notebook.
Remember plants love consistancy but with a bit of adversity. Pretty much feel the same way. That's why I keep buggin you. We seem to be pretty much on the same wave length. I just don't have the knowledge- yet. But I'm determined. I wonder if all the cross and inbreeding will end up causing problems similar to show dogs and such.
If you need a camera guy to do a video book/course- My hands up.
I'll ask him about his ebook and get back to ya. There's alot of people on here that go around trolling others grows and giving bad advice that does alot of damage. There's one guy in particular who goes around writing these huge drawn out whole page posts with all this nonsense with supposedly scientific data and super complicated math formulas and whatnot. He goes around saying how he gets all these others huge yields bc he micromanages tbeir grows. But when you look at his profile there's nothing but 1 or 2 plant grows from months and years ago. I call bullshit on it all the time and actually got reported bc of it. That's the stuff that actually hurts alot of grows. BAD ADVICE. There's also this fat bald guy on YouTube who trys to sell overpriced equipment and promises all this weight. Also bullshit. Like you said the person's work and grows do the talking. And it's easy to spot the bullshit artists just by viewing their grows. I grow around 40 plants at any given time and am a second generation cannabis grower. And I still learn somthing new almost everyday. There's no such thing as a master grower. Once you think you got it all figured out mother nature comes out and slaps you upside the head and puts you back in it's a never-ending learning exsperience.One saying is the proof is in the pudding. I don't see how anyone can disagree with your methods if they see the pics of your work. Another saying is the's one in every crowd. Seems these days it's more then one.
Garden Sage. Yeah I watch download everything I find. I wish he'd get his book on Kindle or ebook. His site says its on ebook but I haven't found it. I love to read but living in an rv makes physical books difficult. I just got rid of 50 books that I hadn't read in some time.
Once you think you got it all figured out mother nature comes out and slaps you upside the head and puts you back in check