New Grower First Grow- in 40 years

Sooo, you ever see a before and after of a sheep dog that gets it's summer cut? Not a pretty picture. Well I've got a herd of em
First up- A1A. She was the strongest looking of the bunch from the git go. All the girls got the manifold treatment once. A1A was the only one the seemed ok with it so she got the 2nd treatment. The others had basically stopped growing so I decided not to go any further with it. I think the problem was 2 fold where I started too soon and I hadn't gotten watering bit down-too much conflicting info on the interweb. Thanks to @Tyler_Durden88 I finally got it into my head about treating coco like hydroponics.
One of my issues/?????/fears is I got some good size aux(/) stems that I'm not sure if I should get rid of them or keep em? A1A had some other smaller ones so they saw the clippers. I did leave the 2 center ones???? I cleared out the stuff that I knew were below the budling are. They are still to small to show up on the camera.

A3 I could see getting rid of the smaller center stems if needed. If keeping them means Superwoman remains Supergirl, they can go

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At this point I left the 2 center stems

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A4 was probably the 2nd strongest and the aux stems that I left are pretty stout.

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A5 was the runt of the litter. She came into the world with her helmet still intact- I think there may have been a chin strap too tight. I got rid of the aux stems cause I think she needs all the extra juice she can get

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Hopefully this will be the last major defoliation. Too stressful. I knew I would have been a terrible parent. Thanks for looking in.

to top...or not to top....has been answered... :rofl: :biggrin: man, i thought about it, but jus couldn't bring meself to do it, lol :rolleyes2: ppp
Sooo, you ever see a before and after of a sheep dog that gets it's summer cut? Not a pretty picture. Well I've got a herd of em
First up- A1A. She was the strongest looking of the bunch from the git go. All the girls got the manifold treatment once. A1A was the only one the seemed ok with it so she got the 2nd treatment. The others had basically stopped growing so I decided not to go any further with it. I think the problem was 2 fold where I started too soon and I hadn't gotten watering bit down-too much conflicting info on the interweb. Thanks to @Tyler_Durden88 I finally got it into my head about treating coco like hydroponics.
One of my issues/?????/fears is I got some good size aux(/) stems that I'm not sure if I should get rid of them or keep em? A1A had some other smaller ones so they saw the clippers. I did leave the 2 center ones???? I cleared out the stuff that I knew were below the budling are. They are still to small to show up on the camera.

A3 I could see getting rid of the smaller center stems if needed. If keeping them means Superwoman remains Supergirl, they can go

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At this point I left the 2 center stems

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A4 was probably the 2nd strongest and the aux stems that I left are pretty stout.

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A5 was the runt of the litter. She came into the world with her helmet still intact- I think there may have been a chin strap too tight. I got rid of the aux stems cause I think she needs all the extra juice she can get

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Hopefully this will be the last major defoliation. Too stressful. I knew I would have been a terrible parent. Thanks for looking in.
Defoiliation is an art form pretty much. You don't need to lollypop them that extreme bc the still need leaves to produce sugars and transpire water. Rule of thumb is don't take more than 1/3 of plant material bc it is harder for them to recover. You want to remove the big fans and shade leaves first and be very selective where to cut. And always look downward onto the plant bc that's where your light shines. Some plants are a bushy pain in the ads that require defoiliations constantly while other don't hardly need one at all. Bubba Kush is a plant thats a great example of a pain in the ass to trim.
Defoiliation is an art form pretty much. You don't need to lollypop them that extreme bc the still need leaves to produce sugars and transpire water. Rule of thumb is don't take more than 1/3 of plant material bc it is harder for them to recover. You want to remove the big fans and shade leaves first and be very selective where to cut. And always look downward onto the plant bc that's where your light shines. Some plants are a bushy pain in the ads that require defoiliations constantly while other don't hardly need one at all. Bubba Kush is a plant thats a great example of a pain in the ass to trim.
After reading that I was afraid to open the door---all seems ok. I hadn't heard the 1/3 thing before. Great tip! Once I got the watering squared away these things have been growing and sprouting new foliage like crazy. I guess I need to trim more often and take less growth at each trim. I thought I was doing good by trimming once a week so they had time to recuperate. Thanks once again!
After reading that I was afraid to open the door---all seems ok. I hadn't heard the 1/3 thing before. Great tip! Once I got the watering squared away these things have been growing and sprouting new foliage like crazy. I guess I need to trim more often and take less growth at each trim. I thought I was doing good by trimming once a week so they had time to recuperate. Thanks once again!
Yep that's what I do. Little at a time when the plants at its healthiest and you wanna get the trimming done before flower bc they don't like it and it will hurt your yield. Yea watering correctly is a highly overlooked aspect and like you said the interwebs all over the place on the subject. Make sure you have alot of air movement down around the pots the help prevent mildew witch can lead to Pythium witch is a devastating disease that dosent go away. With coco i water depending on stage of growth. In veg I water more frequently and when they are around halfway through flower I wait till they are around 50% dried out before I water/feed again. Seems to keep the roots healthier and gives more resin production. But before that I water the same amount every day at the same time everyday. The plants will actually become accustomed to it and wait and look forward to the feeding. Remember plants love consistancy but with a bit of adversity. That's my motto.
In veg I water more frequently and when they are around halfway through flower I wait till they are around 50% dried out before I water/feed again. Seems to keep the roots healthier and gives more resin production. But before that I water the same amount every day at the same time everyday. In my notebook.
Remember plants love consistancy but with a bit of adversity. Pretty much feel the same way. That's why I keep buggin you. We seem to be pretty much on the same wave length. I just don't have the knowledge- yet. But I'm determined. I wonder if all the cross and inbreeding will end up causing problems similar to show dogs and such.
If you need a camera guy to do a video book/course- My hands up.
In veg I water more frequently and when they are around halfway through flower I wait till they are around 50% dried out before I water/feed again. Seems to keep the roots healthier and gives more resin production. But before that I water the same amount every day at the same time everyday. In my notebook.
Remember plants love consistancy but with a bit of adversity. Pretty much feel the same way. That's why I keep buggin you. We seem to be pretty much on the same wave length. I just don't have the knowledge- yet. But I'm determined. I wonder if all the cross and inbreeding will end up causing problems similar to show dogs and such.
If you need a camera guy to do a video book/course- My hands up.

yup, good to keep a book of notez :thumbsup: just alwayz remember that what workz for one person duzn't alwayz work for the next...every person'z setup is different, and every plant def has it'z own mind, lol :tongue: jus sayin.... :smoking: ppp
That's why I think it's difficult for new guys cause they see a video by some "master" how to grow weed in 10 minutes and it just doesn't apply to them. Or the info is 8 years old. "You can't grow good crops with led's".
That's why I think it's difficult for new guys cause they see a video by some "master" how to grow weed in 10 minutes and it just doesn't apply to them. Or the info is 8 years old. "You can't grow good crops with led's".

yup, the so-called rulez change daily it seemz anymore, lol...that'z why i absorb all the various info, but rarely apply it, becuz me learned a long time ago that nature knowz what it'z doin & that'z what i pay most attention to...u'll see it here & there in various postz by various peepz that the plant itself tellz u everything u need to know, it'z just a matter of listening to it, and truer wordz cannot be spoken ;) my outlook is this -> for a plant, any kind of plant, to grow & do well only requirez two thingz -> light & water...and ya, a good lil breeze...and if ya look "out there", the plant kingdom as a whole seemz to have done just fine on thoze two basic elementz alone for billionz of yearz, soooo....:shrug: if it ain't broke, don't fix it, ya know-? and ya, me know that most likely classifiez me as the "laziest" grower of this whole bunch, lol, but hey, the girlz are happee, i'm happee & all is good :thumbsup: jus me own 2 ctz & sorry for ramblin, hehe :smoking: ppp