New Grower First Grow- in 40 years

Never use a full course of a manufactures dose.

Your aim is light green leaves. Less is more. Yours are dark green and waxy = bad.

Takes a day to fix an underfed plant - takes a week of flushing to fix overfeeding. Or even death.

Rust spots just mean you got lockout in your situation. I don't do ppm - but 2*** is just silly! It means all the nutes and salt are locked into your coco and killing your girls.

Get flushing as said. Use RO and PH it to 5.8. Keep going till runoff is EC 0.6. Translate to your ppm range.

Also looks like they have some heat stress. Get more airflow in there.

Stunting won't come from trimming etc. Look what I do to autos in my diary. Look at my diary...... 14 oz from a girl ...... Every step written up per day!

Unfortunately it is simply too much feed.

We need to learn from these mistake to make us better growers. I never go above 0.65 EC...... 660ppm in a ppm scale. I will say it again less is more. Save your cash and get bigger yield bro!
Thanks for the info. Wish I had found this place before I went looking to youtube and "other" websites. I've been learning and unlearning a lot.
...and, not to rub it in by any meanz (truly), but don't forget one other pesky lil thing called -> 185 mph W I N D!! :windy: ppp
Yep, there is the chance for that. Forecasts keep sliding back and forth.
Your PH Perfect comment concerns me. You know the right order to add nutes.....Then check EC. Then adjust PH?

Ph down and bicarb of soda in RO for "pH Up" are mandatory. As you add PK pH rises massively for instance. Or making seedling mix at 0.3EC with RO.....
I mix the A&B nutes, then add the options and then check ph. Didn't know to check ec first.
Silicon, then A+B, then options, then Rhizo. Check EC and dilute with RO to like EC 0.65. Then pH to 5.8. Don't muck around just 5.8. Done. Always do the same and in the same order. Cal Mag comes after Silicon. Always shake well with the first 4 as they are the least dissolvable.... in order .. i.e. Silicon least soluble.

Within a couple of weeks you will know what you are mixing up!!!

Duhh, slap me upside the head. I've been looking at trichs under blurpie lights. Just looked at the ones under white cobs. Hairs are milky to orange. Trichs on sugar leaves are like glass.
Duhh, slap me upside the head. I've been looking at trichs under blurpie lights. Just looked at the ones under white cobs. Hairs are milky to orange. Trichs on sugar leaves are like glass.

Ignore the sugar leaves - only check the side of the tops. Why? Damaged trichs turn amber early. Sides are the best indicator IMO.
Duhh, slap me upside the head. I've been looking at trichs under blurpie lights. Just looked at the ones under white cobs. Hairs are milky to orange. Trichs on sugar leaves are like glass.

:LOLStoned: ppp
Ignore the sugar leaves - only check the side of the tops. Why? Damaged trichs turn amber early. Sides are the best indicator IMO.
Sorry, but for some reason, my brain isn't computing "sides of the tops"???????????
Look just below the top of the bud at the side under 60x for best indication.
Got it. How long do you let your mixed nutes sit b4 ph ing it?
My understanding is that calmag is important when using coco. If I'm cutting my base nutes(which are "supposed" to have proper amount of calmag) by half, should I add calmag and how much per gallon?
Pretty f@#$d up that you pay good money for nutes that are supposedly geared just for herb and they steer you wrong on how to use it. They may have got my money once but I probably won't be a repeat customer