World Wide Willie!! Nice grow you got goin' my man!
Actually, it was better than I thought but more than I wanted (to spend). I needed 48x48x? cuz I couldn't find a 48x36 and a x24 was too small. The cheaper Adiviti was $98 at Amazon and the Lighthouse was $139. All the ones in between were from one company and their reviews were horrible, so I went with the big dog. I had always liked the layout, just didn't want to shell out the dough.
I may be infirm and or decrepit, but when my wife mentions de fucnt, I take de shower!
LOL! Last time my ex said I was defunct, I gave her 2 daughters to prove otherwise!
Yep, I'm goin for the Stone Dragons after this bag-beans gig. The SCROG is going straight to oil with a little bud in the box to tide me over. I'm a smoker, so I like my one-hitter. I also use an e-cig and I plan on making some "flavored stealth e-bud" with vegetable glycerine and e-cig flavor concentrates. Hee hee!! You won't even smell it over the flavoring!!
I've heard people say that autos were harder because of the time limit; less room for error. It's all about "process". People want to jump in with both feet, kinda like a kid who's never been behind the steering wheel and they're all over the place. Take it low and slow, do your homework, and I bet you'll do better than most. SHEESH! Look at Jorilla Ganjamoto! HOLY SHIIT! But he didn't go in half-assed on equipment. He got good gear, did his diligence and the results speak for themselves.Dude! Look at what you got going now!
Awesome stuff, man!
I'm wondering why that one is still showing yellowing and tip burn. but, then again, last batch I burnt, the leaves that turned didn't seem to recover much afterward, even though all the new growth was perfect, so I pruned them. When you did your pH test, how much water did you put through? If you didn't run at least a gallon of each through, it's not actually buffering, it's balancing. For instance, run a half gallon into the pot of 7.5. It gets mixed with what was there already and the pH of the runoff comes down. Then run 4.5 and it offsets the 7.5 creating 6.0, etc.. If you had run enough 7.5 through you would have 7.5 (or somewhere thereabouts) coming out eventually. Fully flood at the proper if not slightly lower pH, then let it get near completely dry, then go again. As the plant uses nutes the pH goes up. Considering how calcium hungry these things are, you would think the pH would go down, not up. Go Figure!