First Grow/Harvest/Huge Fail/Depressing

I killed my first 2 crops in hydro after doing years of research. Root rot then everything hermied so I chopped it all. Since I have only killed 1 plant and I'm not sure why. Just plopped over and died over a few days. But other than that we all make mistakes starting off. Be glad you got something and not nothing at all ur first grow cuz it happens. Now you'll get better and learn from your mistakes is important. Figure out what you did wrong and work at it next run. You will improve your yields in time and experience. Dont be discouraged. Learn from those mistakes and ask for help on here growmie! Lot of good smart ppl on the site to help you. We dont let trolls screw up ppls grows here. Theres lots of good moderators on the site who really know there shit also. Learn from your mistakes and from this great growing community is always here to help. Good luck and happy growing. Some weeds better than no weed bro. :cheers:
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    Points: 10
    Fantastic advice. Take what you have. Be happy. Do better next time.
I almost quit after my 2nd lost crop and ppl online talked me out of it. Here I am still growing and learned allot since then once i joined this site. Roll it up aka Troll it up fucked me over from the trolls on there. But I recommend this site 200 percent :goodluck:
Dan Hinkley, a 'famous plant hunter said if you ain't killing some plants you are not a gardener and not challenging yourself.
I am still waiting for the perfect grow, but it seems I always mess up somewhere along the way.
cold uninsulated floor--Im sooo guilty. Thanks for the great words
Yeah, I was told that a cold floor can cause small plants. Like I said... every grow you do, try to find at least 1 thing you can improve on... before you know it... you'll be killin it! And prepare yourself... in a lot of ways autos are harder than photos. I mean if you mess up with a photo, you can keep it in veg and have time to correct the problem. With an auto... their veg is so short... they finish so fast, if you mess something up bad, it can greatly affect your outcome. So give it some time.

As far as fluffy buds go... could be genetics, could be that the light is not intense enough... there are lots of reasons why your buds might be fluffy.