New Grower First Grow - GCS Bubble Gum and Cheese

and then I find out that she burrowed her taproot into the paper towel.

...exactly why i don't do the paper towel, lol :rofl: but fear not, she'll find her way up ok :thumbsup: ppp
:pass:oops good timming archie
ive done the same thing :coffee:opened up the towel,seed casing is over there,and a full on seedling over here with 2 wee green bits opened up :dang: dug an extra deep hole,shoved it in but kept its head above :smoking:but i suspect even if id have submerged it,it would have worked its way up anyways :smokeit:
but still,its a bit of a :yoinks:moment
good luck n keep er lit.
Looking good in their! I pulled out one of my bubblegum crosses I made from GCS here a few weeks ago n got her up and running! Do you plan on LST? The bubblegums I have grown get pretty stretchy during flower and blow up pretty quick!
Looking good in their! I pulled out one of my bubblegum crosses I made from GCS here a few weeks ago n got her up and running! Do you plan on LST? The bubblegums I have grown get pretty stretchy during flower and blow up pretty quick!

This being my first run, both for me and for these particular strains, my plan is to let them do their thing with minimal interference. That way I can get a baseline for what they do and how they perform. Since I have 2 more seeds of each, I can try different training techniques and see how that improves things.

That said and given the fact that my tent is only 4' tall, I may have to revisit that plan in the coming weeks. One problem with LST on these two was that I didn't count on the soil settling so much, so they only went above the rim of the pot in the last couple of days, which made it hard to find a place to secure ties on them. I filled the pot almost to the rim on SN, so I may play with some LST on her, but I'd also like to see how she does with minimal interference.
Nice first grow man. You could probably tuck leaves to expose other branch tops if LST isn't ideal for this grow. I do a littler LST if some branches get to out of hand but tucking leaves has been my go to method lately and it keeps them from getting to wide and taking up to much room. I grew in 2x2x48 tents for years and still do but I do have 2 3x3 I grow in now as well.
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So, I did a "little" defoliation this evening, they've been really vigorous with their growth, and I thought it would be beneficial to get more light to the potential bud sites. It also gave me a little more room to get in there for watering and checking leaf health.

Part of me feels like I may have overdone it because the look so much thinner now, but on the other hand there's still a ton of growth on them.


And The Mayor:

The Mayor was both easier and harder to do, since she's further along in preflower, it was easy to see where the bud sites are forming. But her foliage is way denser, so it required a lot of care to avoid snipping something important.

And finally the pile when I was done:
So the girls seemed to handle the defoliation pretty well. I may have been a bit aggressive, as they didn't need any feeding on Sunday, and only The Mayor needed a light feeding today. They're still pushing out new growth so nothing too bad:

The Mayor was showing some very light nute burn (very small amount of yellowing on the tips of the new growth), but I don't think it's a problem at this point. I'll be keeping an eye on it, but everytime I think she's getting nute burn she snaps out of it, and looks fine the next day or so.

My wife found some binder clips, so I said hell with it, let's give Bubbles some LST. I have no idea if I'm doing it right, but it opened up some of the bud sites, so I guess I'm good:


I counted about 14 bud sites so far on The Mayor and 8-10 on Bubbles (but she seems about 5-7 days behind The Mayor in the flowering department).

You might have noticed I'm back down to two pots in the tent. I lost the second SN :oops1: I can see where I exposed the seedling, and there's been no movement. The soil was kept moist, but not super wet, humidity has been good for the older girls, but I've had a humidity dome on her. Basically same or better conditions than the two GCS seeds had. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and given that fact that conditions were as good or better the the girls, it narrows it down to two variables. First would be genetics, but were talking Mephisto here, and taking into account that they popped from their seeds very nicely, I don't think that's it. The other variable is the soil, and I think this is the source of the problem. See I ran out of the soil that I had for the girls, and I found half a bag of soil (MiracleGro at that) and to be honest, I have no idea how old it was. Since all the seeds germinated just fine, and then dried once they hit the soil, I think that's where the problem lies.

I'm really pretty pissed about this, I threw away $15 in seeds, that I really wanted to try, in order to "save" less than $10 in soil. Basically, I'm a dumbass. I should have figured it out after the failed solo cup experiment. I mean, it's not like it was a really expensive mistake, but still it's the principle of the matter more than the cost.

I've still got one SLxSB, but I'm going to wait until these girls are done before I get more soil and pop this one. I'm also going to skip on the paper towel method of germing and just give them a soak and into the soil.